Effect of Liming on Late Blight Disease Caused by Phytoplwtoria infestans Potato Production in Awi Zone North West Ethiepi

Show simple item record Aycnew, Meselu 2019-02-01T03:00:56Z 2019-02-01T03:00:56Z 2019-02-01
dc.description.abstract Potato is considered as a slralegic crop by Ethiopian Government to attain food security. Lare blight disease of potato makes its production difficult in Ethiopia lo attain food security in a short period of time. TI1c objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding lime on distribution of potato late blight disease in Awi zone Northwest Ethiopia. Ihcrcfure, field experiments were carried out i11 Ashcwa, Furi-Jegola and Asehuoa kebclcs in Fageta I .ekoma worcda. Four levels of liming were tested, i.c., U.25 kg, 0.5 kg, U.75 kg and! .0 kg added in experimental plot on acidic soils. It was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Disease development was recorded. Final disease severity was "the highest in controlled group of the three varieties of potato in both growing seasons. TI1c highest disease severity was recorded on control plots, from Komti was 82.11, Samuni 67.68 and Abalo 49.R9) %. The lowest disease severity was recorded from the highest lime application on the variety which was Samuni 16.13, Aalo 21.l l and in Komti 53.76. Final .._disease severity for rain Jed plots were also the highest in control plots of the three varieties of .... . . potato and it was 98.76%, 76.98% and 71.53% in Komati, Samuni and Abalo, respectively .Thc list disease severity was recorded in Komti, (59.85%) Samunir l 6'7o )and Abalo (29 .54%) from the plot treated with Ikg oflirne .Liming had statistically significant effect on late blight with (p:"· 0.002)valuc. Disease development was faster in the control groups in both irrigation and rain fed plots in the three potato varieties compared to all other rreatmcnts. Yield of potato in the two growing seasons wa~ low in cont_rol plot and highest in plots that were treated with lkg of lime in all the three varieties. Generally both disease incidence and disease severity were higher in rain f~<l season and the low in irrigation seasons of uJI the three varieties that were treated with l kg of lime. Abalo variety was relatively more resistant than the two potato varieties. 'l:'.here as Konui variety was susceptible. In this study lime increase yield of potato by decreasing the disteibution of potato late blight disease in acidic soil. Therefore, potato grower mids lime 011 acidic soil to their potato lands to decrease late blight distribution and increase yield of' potato. Key w<>rd?Lf~: Potato, Liming, Disease severity, Incidence, area under disease progress en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Biology en_US
dc.title Effect of Liming on Late Blight Disease Caused by Phytoplwtoria infestans Potato Production in Awi Zone North West Ethiepi en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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