Nauira! i:a:za."a',i,- arc ,S.Jl'iOt!S j.lrc.:·bletr,~· 1i·hh:l,• are .esponsiil« for l~t~· and proIJei'I)~ toses r:r she worid,
FlvvJ hu:ara' is <J'1 of the natural hazard: whict: (~.(..~Cc: d{J/Cr·e11t J)i."iri~ L!,f Ethiopia. f..'rnttrg~·u(.,\'
vuinerabiv ;'itt>~J.\ .. This stud,111"·a~ conducted ir Dire l>a1i·a, covering fin« rn'<:r catclnnents nametv, Gor»,
Dechat», Rr.rt11f!J aud Hore caschment: to asses: tl:« vulne1·,:rbilit,v of the t'il''!.(i .. for .1100:.:I. In t!:ilng this ( TJS,
Re1.1101e seu.~in~ and .:i1(:1;; c1·.;;luu:io11 techniques •1'aJ e11~L·1.1r..;i:c:d.
au?i bare htnc/ covered targer portion (?.ftlte <u:ea, ahnos» hav« cquat .sha•·e~o)· (29 %,./.:;r eac l;j in i98J,.,.,hil.e.
cwlli•.:alf:<l l,.,rr,<i [orest. built-up an<{ sand deposi! and rtvrr valleys were covered 22.5 %, l5.3%. t. 7% and
}.6 % respccttvetv. ('ultil't.?!-,-.,i i ... ind (l't:.1 buil.'-u,o (·.1re:as. expumlcd, a:, the expense of bur<.: laud, forrs: and
bush lands, h.\ 22.1 and 2.33 % rt~.'i/'iJ\':rirc(1• i1; ]()l i. Tht· ~haa.?,c· in thrse la11r.l rt.lt:l land cov(;,'J' has
paramount ~ffc:ct ,.,n the ,'\H.t;.:c-,nr/hilil): ,;f 1he t?Y{?~) torflood itf1i1'tr<l
approac]: For flu.-.,· l>UIJ?OSe vulneratnlity indicators l.'<..,re o:fil~<'?lt1/;,~(l. ./J<'<':(Jro·l;n,<J!/)' elevattc«. slope.
draiuag» <lc~n:,i(r. S!Jil l)'j)C' (bu:-,·e<I 011 their drainag« ability}. land use/ land <':OPer. vegetation tfe·tt-tU;/ and
rninfo]! amount v:ere used lo evaluate ;:1hy:,i<·«i vuieerobitit». wherea» total population, femal«
/'!O/':Uianon. numbers <?f.ho·usehol;fs, oopotasto» (/e;1;,i1_r a11J ;';1.·g/ use (l:u"c:<i vn its value .. for humans) h'<:'l'e
u ... ·er.l as indicarars to cvalnata the socio! vutncrabnitv 0,/ the <.l',.·c•a. The pf1 .. rsica} and socia! ·;u!nc:rubilitp
maps were overlaid Jn order 10 J'1'()U1uc:l' the c91nhit;t~ti (lJnt:tl! .!h>rJd o;r;f!lt':rVbilit)' ou>p The results
obunned indtcates tJ;c11 l, .",~(, 1;f' the c.r:'?oJ i~ 1.~.>.11·e~ne(1· vuit:f.~t,ible -.1 .. frilE~ 14. 3% o,l f he arc-a highlp
volnerab!« or susceptible lo jiood. A !a:-~rc1· part r?f. extremely l'J.c/H!U'~?bio., :0~1cs lie~ ;1!011g Dechau. and
Bu.fu.~i river catchment» specificcllv in Dir« Da\•:<.1 lt."FH. ·rh<! ht;;·h vuinerobility roncs (l1'r·~ also rr.l/r.~S ttt
1t1o~t ,uar.'~ !..~/ the. l>irc· l)av•<1 lo,vn distr1bute<I iu all ct:fchm<:1u:\·, in the :~rna/J 1~1e.~1<?rn p.1rs o.r the 'iftlr:/_1,:
ar<:.~a /'Jt.:t·ilctd<.?1·!)' in tho? (;<.'Jl'O (',:;tc~uru.Ytl an.<1 s111al:'t•r ar.:;:;Js in soull.· aud south ~·<t.Vl~:ru i)t>chutu ~ind llt1re
C {.' t~:}Y11-.;,•1 US.