The study carried out 10 identifj- the determinant factors of small scale irriJ:!,mion in Gubatafto Woreda.
This study aims lo examine the role of small-scale trriuation development ro assure household foo(i
security in drought prone Guh(tlaflo Woreda, North Woll« Zone, Amhara Region. And it gave attention to
if.$ contribution towards increasing agricultura! production, household income and the. potential to
•/·educe dependency on food assistance, To serve these objectives, household s111vey, focus group
discussion and key i11jiJrma11t interview were used ta collect data al household and individua! level,
Annual household productton, income generated, asset owned amt other socio-economic data "'"'"
collected using srruc1ured questionnaire with the help of locally recruited and semi-trained enumerators.
Background informaiian ofthe .Hudy area, agricultura! extension services, attitudes offarmers towards
irrigation and other related data were accessed from Kebele and Woreda. The analysts IS undertaken
using statistical 100/s such a~ mem1, percc11ta}?e, independent-t test and chi square tests using .'iP.~~~. The
finding of this study highlights !he positive impact of irrigation development in that it helps to sustain,
diversifj; and increased agricultural production Irrigation enables farmers 10 generate more income and
maintain productive assets like draught oxen. The study also revealed that irrigation promotes the me of
agric1qt11ral inputs through supply of water during the dry season and when the amount and distribution
of the main rain ts firand IO be inadequate. S1.1c:li opportunities of irrigation improve food twailability and
food security situation of trrigation households. Ii is also observed that households with access to
irriw1tion have been able to double their annual income 1hrough the prnductlot; of hi!{h value cash crops.
Irrigatton is providing gai11frrl selj:employment for participants and improving liomehold access tu
marketable food. Moreover, households could diversity their diet composition and fou1ut at o better stair"
due to diversified food sources produced through the use of small scale irrigation. Finaity, .1ome form of
incen!J!:.sfor modelfarmers ~~ul des i11ce111i<•t:forfarmer who are not "'.'llivated their irr~garioi':p!olS are
also 11"f'ortam to mcreu~e effeciiveness of 1rngm1011 scheme better tram mg should be given for.farmers,
establishing instirutions for input .tupply and n11tp11t market, regular supervision and monitoring: i~
needed, promote farmers and communtty based smai! scale irrigation to reduct! dependency on rain fed
production. giving assistance and support to farmers to adopt 1111){/em technologies and UfJ!(r<t<k the
truditional schemes coordination of all relevant institution involved in small scale irrigation development
is tmportant and parttcipasory planning and equipped operation and 111ai111enw1c" system are suggested
for re1l11cing insecurity situation of the region.