dc.description.abstract |
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the status of community participation i11 the
management o/ government secondary schools in North Shoa Zone ofAmhara National Regional
Stare. To achieve the purpose (.)( the study, descriptive survey design was employed, because it
p;;,ovide quantitative descriptions of trends, attirudes or opinions r1f a population hy s!ut(ving a
!ttmple of" that population and ii enables researchers to cottect and descrioc large variety nf data
related to the status of" community participation, The research methodology used in the study was
both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Amnng the 24 Woredas, 6 woredas were selected by
simple random sampling Among 13 secondary schools i11 the selected woredas. !i government
secondary schools were taken as a sample by using simple random sampling technique. There were
348 teachers in the selected secondary school> . .41110111( 348 teacher, J i6 teachers (33.33%j were
selected by using simple random sampling technique, and the sample size of KETB members
72(100%) and PTA members 54(100%) were selected by using compressive sampling method. Jn
odditio11113 woreda Educatton O.ffice Experts were purposively selected. White. 9 secondary school
prindfals were selected by using compressive sampling technique. The researcher used
questionnaire, semi- structured interview and document analysis as data gathering instruments.
Quessionnaires were distributedfor 242 samples (72 KETB, 54 Pl'A and IJ 6 teachers}. From 242
copies ofuuestionnaire, 232 questionnaires were remrned which made the return rate 95.86%. The
reliability statistics result for quest ionnaire ii ems was U. 8 7 3 which is acceptable. Both descriptive
and inferential statistics wa.1· used as me/hod of data analysis. Descriptive statistics such as
frequency, percentage, mean. standard deviation and irferential staustics like one sample t-test and
one 1"i&v ANOV wer~ used. The data gathered through open -ended questions, interviews and
document analysis were analyzed qualitatively through narration [or the p1111>ose of titangulauon.
The finding» of the study mdtcaicd that; first, f/11: participation of teachers, KETBs and 1'1:4 in
planning financing, staffing, monitoring and evaluatton. decision making, managing disclplinr. and
teaching and learning process ofsecondary schools was low: second there was no significant mean
score difference among teachers, KEl'fls and PTAs 011 their participation !'TA in planning,
financing, slq(fing, monitoring and evaluation. decision making, managing discipline and teaching
and learning process of secondary schools; third the major problems of teachers, KETB and trt'A
members were autocratic leadership style, lack of principals coinmiuuent. failure of principals in
ciarifying the school meetings a11(( princtpal» and teachers degradation of J>1:4s and KF:TRs in
school management. The fourth.findings was identifying training needs and establish communication
channels between schools and the community were major solutions to be taken lo improve teachers.
KF'/'Hx and PTA participation in s1?Co11dC11y school management activities. Vinaf~v, nece.umy
recommendations were given to solve the major problem those are: principals should create
awareness for K.El'B and PfA, principals should invite Kl:JJJ and PTA in lnul.i;er preparation
.principals, supervisors. WEO. should arrange meeting with PTA and Klil'U, The school toge/her
with WHO should invite KETB and PTA in monitoring and evaluation of the school program,
secondary school principals should invite KETB and /'FA In make. decisions on secondary school
management activities, "the school principals should participate KJff/J and l'TA in managing school
disciplinary problems to bring good student behavior, The school principals sho11/d nanicipau:
Kl:TIJ and 1'1:4 in determining human resource 11( the school, The school pri11cipaly, supervisors,
WEO, should ctectlttfl!flvnrahle environment lo invite KETIJ and {'TA to participate in selection and
delivery of contents . |
en_US |