The main purpose of this m1dy wc(S lo assess the practices, contributtons mid clwllenge.• '!f
teachers' continuous professional development i11 secondary schools of Finoteselam Woreda,
West Gojjam zone. Jn line with the purpose, three bask questions were raised The research
design employed 111 the study wa.i descripsive survey, with quantitative and qualiiat.v«
approaches. 1/1e sampling technique empioyed was ,,irnpl• random sampling. The sample size
was 80 teuchers, The data galheri11g /OO(s were questionnaire, focus group discussion,
observation and documem analysis. The participants offocus group discussion were prtncipals
CPD fucilitators. teachers and the supervisor. Qi1e.<1io1maire was administered to 80 teachers
where all <!f them properly filled and retumed. Then, the du/a galliered 1hro11gh closed-ended
questionnaire was analyzed using mean score, standard deviation aud one sample t-test while
the data gathered 1flrough observation, focus group discussion and document were narrated
quaiitatively. 111e finding« of the study indicated tl1111 the extent of teachers' practices of
professional development activuies war insufficlemty practiced, The schoo! principals, CPD
facilitators and the .vupen•isor were providing insufficlem support ji)r teachers /11 praclicing
CPD. The major challenges tdentifted were lack of training. manuals, Tack of trained facilitators,
in.w(fi<:ie11cy of supports provided for reochers' growth. ins•!ffic:iiint allocation of budget, and
mismatch of flu! training needs of teachers, 10 overcome the ch.alle11ges encountered, ·
... -ecommendations have been forwarded. They tnclude orienting .teacbers in advance. i,l'·ith the
overall contents of the profe.,sional growth, motivating teachers to willingly tak~ more
responsibilities in the implen.ematton CPD, employing trained facilttators and supervisors, and
allocation of suf(idenl resources to efi'ectivelv achieve the intended goals.