griculture, which constitutes cereal production and Animal husbandry, is the backbone and
source of livelihood of the area under study. Drought and food insecurity are among the
characterizing features of the valley. Nevertheless less has been attempted in reconstructing and
documenting the history of the region focusing the Abbay Valley and the role of NGOs.
Focusing in the period between 1940s and 2000s, this thesis examines the nature of cereal and
livestock agriculture, land tenure in regimes in the Abbay Valley of the South Gondär. The thesis
also discusses and analyzes the new trends and developments across the valley and its impact on
the inhabitants of the valley, including the role of Abbay River to the community.
To this end, I have collected and explored both primary and secondary sources. Former Semén
and Bägémder Governorate General Archive, National Archives and Library Agency (NALA),
South Gondär Administrative Zone Agriculture Office and Food for the Hunger International
Ethiopia are my main sources of archives. Interviews are made in different areas of the Zone
who are nearest to the valley and know a lot about the peculiar feature of agriculture in the