The main objective of this study was to investigate the practices and contributions of
traditional church education for adult literacy, specifically Zema education in the three
selected Ethiopian orthodox tewahido churches in Bahir Dar city. For understanding the
study mixed method research design was with convergent parallel design was followed. To
achieve the purpose of the study all three churches Zema education teachers, 90 learners
and three leaders were included in the study by using comprehensive sampling, simple
random sampling, and purposive sampling technique respectively. Open ended
questionnaire, observation, semi- structured interview and document analysis were
employed for data collection. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and word by
word narrations. The obtained results implies the practices of Zema educations in gubae
bet learners learn usually by themselves, and sometimes through peer leading group under
the tree shade. The student relationships are very strong, also, the finding revealed that
some of the principles of adult learning are applied in Zema bet education like practical
oriented, motivation to learn, self directed learning etc. The finding also revealed that the
major contributions of Zema educations are: improving literacy skill and learners are
learning problem solving skill, self defiance skill, leadership skill, skill of writing different
poem. The study also found lack of food, lack of suitable learning places, lack of residual
house, lack of materials, lack of awareness creation about the contributions of Zema
education for adult literacy, lack of supported stakeholders as the major challenges facing
traditional church education in general and Zema education in particular. Based on the
finding, it is recommended that the government should build a teaching-learning center like
modern education to resolve the lack of teaching –learning places; the government, private
agency and non-government organizations should support Zema learners by funding
financially and providing learning materials and considering the contributions of church
education ministry of education should give attention and recognize traditional church
education as one basic education centers for adults.