The objective of th~'i ri!Se.lJ!Ch J.fGS tr> study the anuoxsdanr ocuvuy of 1nungo fruits ohta;1;e!I from
Wnranit Horttcultural .'11.! and guava fruits f1!trt:hased fi-0111 !tJCXJI market». A total <?f 4 1nango
/111i1 varieties (Mill. vmidyJ;e, apple mango and local mangos) and one variety ofg11uw1fru!1 wer,,
tested /or thet» general amioxidanJ capacity based on li1eir ability ro reduce potassnan
hexacyanofemue (Fe''; to ferrous (Fe1) form. The awioxidam ass(lv 1•as made bv Oyaizu
method t~l,ff:'rric rec~ing antiosidun! power (J·'RAI'j and lhft results were expressed as n1illlgrtun
of ascorbic <.:cUI (mg .4.-lj equivalents per gram sun1pie of fresh fruits. 11u! l··ll'l/) value <?I 1he
g1wva fruit »i'IS found /0 be 2 39 mg ,t-Y.~ sample while die FRAP values ofhirl. vandyke. apple
mango and !rxal mangos ~,.. fOW".d to be l.9J J.8J, 1.76, and I .66 mg AA.i g sample,
reSJU!CfiVl!~J'. Ir. percent of reducing power as compared to ascorbic octd. !{1.1a1'a .fi11t'I haJ also the
/.oigh~~~t rt:d1u.:i.'t>t. 1.1c..·'t>t'r p,ri1h 96.98% 71Je At:i!I nlW{'<'J, tv1id>~ rnunfo:.O, upµle rttc.rtgu locu!
rru111go l'l11·ha/e5 had the percent n..>JucinA fX)WV- ti}" 82.44, 78.96, 76. }8, 71.3./. rt~\Pt~ctivt:l)'.
1Jase<l on these results. ii is sitgg~·fed tltat guav« fruits were better oble 'o reduce potassium
l.•tf.xuc,}'an4{11rra{f1, (F~ '-; tu ferroas (Ff!;-) form Uui11 HUU1J!.'-'.{ntil varieties •