lorlinc deficiency disorders, (TDTlj are an important public health problem in Echiopia. Arnuma district,
Rcncshangul Gum'J7., i.," known lDD endemic area, A stud)" conducted between February co May 2.005
~orted the coral goiter prevalence (weighed) was :n.:~~ more than 30% an indication of sever iodine
deficiency. During th<' last ~005-2010, efforts were raken by the F.d1iupi~o Government to e11s111·c
Lilli Versa! availability ol' iodize(t- salt IO d1c population in an effort to control and eliminate iodine
deficiency disorders in the population. Despite some efforts by the government to eliminate lDD
through universal '"IL iodination in public health education. no survey has been conducted sirce 2005
on the status ot iodine deficiency disorders in tbe Amuma district. Hen~. the present mini pocket study
W>'-• conducted in order 10 assess the prevalence of JDD in school children aged 6-18 years and to
estimarc the iodine content of .<all consumed in the households or Amuma district. The "ludy was
conducted in School children i11 Mcnjo primary and secondary school from January co May 2011. The
proporuonal lo population sicc (PPS) sampling me!ho.iolon and indicators for the assessment of lDD
<ts recommended by the joint WllO/UNJCEFnCCIDD consultation was utilized for the survey. /!\ total
of 200 school children i11 the. 6-18 years age group were selected using PPS sampling merhodology in
rla: ~ct\0~11 Goiter prevalence m these children were tested u~ing palpation method and 50 salt samples
consumed in the household of the respective children were measured for their iodine conteut using
UNJCEF./\:VTJO/ICCJ.?D recommended tesr t.ir and IiU<tliun method. The mm! goiter prevalence was
39.5% (grade I = 31.S'f'< and grade '.! = 7.9% J and from 50 sail samples analyzed by salt test kit and
iocornetric uuation 6Wif, of che salt samples iodine level was ()..ppm, 30% bad iodine content of ks<
than 15ppm and only 10% was completely iodized ( ::<: 15ppm). This study showed that ibe current and
up-to-date Jata on the !DD prevalence irr Ilic study population remains iodine deficient. There is a need
co further strengthen the existing conln>ILir.g und monitoring system for the quality of iocizcd salt
distribuuon public health education in the area ir. order tn achicvc the elimination of lDD in Ethiopia .
Key words: lodine, Iodine Deficiency Disorders, School-Chilcrcn, xonh Western Ethiopia