This study sought to assess the existing land rental market practice of Janguta and Bida kebeles.. It was carried out in Janguta and Bida Kebeles of Banija woreda which is found in Awi zone of Amhara region. The study had an objective of investigating land rental market practiceand identifying factors that influence land renting activity. Moreover, it targeted to assess the ways of contract agreement, causes of conflict and its management Descriptive research design and primarily quantitative data analysis was employed. The population of the study was 1000 landlords and tenants from which 91 samples were taken by using stratified sampling techniques. Moreover, by the help of purposive sampling, an over all of 15 participants had been chosen from different stakeholders Data were collected from self-prepared questionnaire, document consultation and interview tools. Questionnaires were used as main tool of data collecting instrument for all research questions whereas data collected through interview and document consultation were used to triangulate the accuracy and to find additional information about research questions. Each data collecting instrument was translated into Amharic before administrating it. For data analysis and interpretation tabulation, frequency distribution and percentage were utilized. According to the research results: Land rent practice was strongly practiced but with less uniformity and weak legal procedure. Land rental practice had a difference with respect to sex, education and age. Females, elders and illiterates tend to engaged more in rent out lands than males. Factors that forced land rent out were lack of oxen, shortage of labor, less access to credit and shortage of money. Whereas land rent in was influenced by less land possession, hardship of life subsistence and less financial capacity. The cause of conflict was mostly related to illegal contract agreement, betrayal of mutual agreement, breaking agreement premises. Based on these findings the researcher recommends awareness creation, capacity building for land rent participants and design mechanisms of monitoring land rental practice, establish advisor team that work for care of vulnerable in land rental agreement,develop business plan related to
farming and mediate them with credit institution, reconsider land rental legal agreement with time duration include mechanism to control cheaters and betrayals and make it easy to utilize it.