dc.description.abstract |
Parks and recreational areas 1!re positiv» ekmunus uj.thc urban space tha: can
provid« multiple m1111m111il) values fol' local residents and tourists. Ir; order 10 .tltlfiil
these eo»ununit;• values, wel! planed parts r.nd recreational areas are serionsly
lacking. 10 curb flris problet», the presen; study "'·as inuiated t1'i.lh the main objectives
to 1i1~s1:1·ih1~ the binphysical environment, she socio-economic conditious. indicate the
approprtate J'lncc .... · n_J~ the infrastr..1cr1uai service: and ta t!eveloµ <-t spatia} database
system for Iii<' newlv tsmhlished p11rk - the Buhr Dur Blue Nik Mil!e1111ium Park, i11
the ('it)' of Bahr Dar ;,, A11ti1ora Region. The major variables used in this study
include land use land cover. !KJitk erosion h&-ard and socioeconomic conditions of
the pt1rk. Daus tJj. spatial &.l!Cl<>r and raster as ».ell a.l the aurihute of· the major
variables were collected from QuickBird, TKONOS and ETM+ satellite imagery und
• ji"()!n semi-structured questioner. The <J/5 :,ofiwnrc .fU<:h as l:RDAS Imagine 9. J and
ArcGlS 9.2 ~1'-ere used i11 the process e:f the anaiysis n.f.ihi: various datasets.
A• a result, the de1c1ils of 1he land use 011.rf land cm·e.r 'Yi'"' 1!( th" park were
identified. In this regard. th« park MIS fovnd lo be dominantly covered by water body,
wetlands. grasslands am! i:ro1>lund.,~ Despite bank erosion is an tmportant variable ro
set i1ifrostrui:tur£~· 11t riverside s, most of !.he riversides of the Blue Ni!« River. whil« it
is in the park, is found to be Jess prone to fkink cros·icn. '!'his is because the f7rn'L: <!l the
8/ue Nile River after rite Lake Tana is regulate,-/ by the re.servoi1· jirnn th" .>•<rmmaliy
into.rti.<lt£ng.17o(}(l'i and ntnaffs. The socioeconomic conditions o(J.ht~ inhabitants ofthe
park l1't'1't' characterized usu! lite cQ1l}lic1ing interests of1iu! various community grou1Js
are indicated from tile points of the ·Jiew· nf she sustainable manngement of the park.
Based on she abal-'e mentioned biop/l}'Sica! and socio-economic charucterisiics. the
appropriate places for the planned infrastructure« 11.l·.f.hr park such. as the restrooms,
/m(f{c.<, regional cultural center, boating. chlldre« villeg« and indoor and outdoor
gum<!.\" ond the university botanical garden weretdenufied accordingly. While doing
all these, the prototype (US database wax <-siahlislwd and embedded wi1J1 a variety of
datasets it1c/11ding raster and vector dasa. and some anciltarv data of the sodo
economic conditions thus are es..1;en1i1.1/ for decision. making and planning development
inrerventians. Thus. Liu.! study ha» indicated tlta.t GJS is t"l uJejlfl techntcal tool in
intf~.~oliaJ~ socioeeonomic am! environmental data in the process of' mapping
biophysim! ant! mfrastructurat :rlr··ice.l, acc,.o;s~·ing pl'.1-.ttnfng and tlecisiou processt.'!5',
(l1UI .f(lcdlita.tz·n.s.; \'i$ual aitls I(> /XJTk IL't!r.<t und u1ur.~,·1x :ilRntl ;J:c ·.vbole .ru.l.iUr(:' (Jj the!
parks. |
en_US |