DT'.TERM _1 A- ION OF SF.LECIT.D MEJA LS (K. Cu, Mg, Cu, Ni, C'r, Mn, Zn, Cd.,/!<. f>h) IN CHILE PEPP H (CAPSJCUM ANNUUM) CU'rTVATEDTN WE~T GOJJA!v1 7.0NE, /\MllA.RA IU'.('<10>:, ETTllOPIJ\

Show simple item record Abcbc, Belay 2018-01-26T04:49:55Z 2018-01-26T04:49:55Z 2018-01-26
dc.description.abstract 11« level of s lee ed essential and non essemial metals (K, Ca, }.fg, Cu, NI, C1; Mn, Z11. Cd & Ph) in chi!e pepp r ( upsicun: w;m111111j samples collectedfrom four sites 111 West Go.ifa111 Zone wer.~ determined t1 /1 inductively C(Jl1pldd plasma optica! emlsston spectrometry !iC/>-01\Sj. Chile pepper sam1>I ,, ·en' wet dige,~/e,J. 11.vinf? a mixture of HN(J;,, llC:IO, and lf1<>1 111 110l11me ratio qf' 3:2: I. respeo , . .,, ·. All analyzed metol» except Pb and Cd were detected in the chtte peppers from the four sile•j· r., awraf(e concemration of m•fa/.v In the chllc pepper samples wtis found in the rang» <if: MglH =9· 771 +52,uglg), Car/.222 + 125-3,878±.26311glg), K (10.813 +6./IJ- 26,.278 + 2, 7 ](II, /gi, Ni (4.() .t 0.2 • 112 + 3 µgig), !1111 (/ 5.0 ± 0.2 -27. I + I.I/ pglg). Cr (1. 3 ± 0.1· 4./Ji = 2. 7 JI,~\() Z.11 (J.7 1 1/.2 • 23.3 + 3.6 ,11glg) antt Cu ( ~ 0.1- fl.8 ~ ().4 11g/g). Um: IV(!!' A NOVA '1fla/J!~l.1 howcd 1h.u the n"'"" voluesfor (II/ the nnalyzed 111~1"/,t are slf<11l/lcnmly diffariml 6r<IJ.05J mm)l tK. m1pflng sites. The pra.1~·111 study a/so showed 1h111 //11: leval» ofshe nietal» analyzed ar« c<1m1;111·111j•1· 1 illt the tevels of metals in reported ttterature. Except NI 011110·. all of'th« m1dlt'd mcl11ls were kr · 1/1e World htJ<tllh 01~1(w11:miot1(WllOJ111,ci;Jmumpcrmlssil!I<: limit. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Chemistry en_US
dc.title DT'.TERM _1 A- ION OF SF.LECIT.D MEJA LS (K. Cu, Mg, Cu, Ni, C'r, Mn, Zn, Cd.,/!<. f>h) IN CHILE PEPP H (CAPSJCUM ANNUUM) CU'rTVATEDTN WE~T GOJJA!v1 7.0NE, /\MllA.RA IU'.('<10>:, ETTllOPIJ\ en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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