dc.description.abstract |
The study attempted to assess the practices and problems in teaching SWHI in the inclusive
classroom.The sample schools were selected purposely from 3 Eastern parts of Amhara
Regional State Zones. The shools are Atse Zera yekob and Effeson Nol from(North Shoa),
TigleFire(South wollo} and M..elkakole(North Wollo}.Data for the study was collected from 31
hearing impaired stude,nts,60 regular te-achers,269 peers,9 SEN teachers,4 principals and 10
The findings of this study shows that. the attitude of regular teachers and peers was positive
and regular teachers' attitude was more favorable, than that of peers. When we come to
parents' attitude, the study revealed that parents' attitude towards inclusion of HIC was
negatlve. This could be attributed to factorssuch as parent's lack of awareness and mis-
•p.s indicated in the finding of this s_tudy, provision of services such as encouraging collaborative
iearning, and involving all students' in-group tasks were not applied. Adaption and modification
of €drriculum 'based on the needs of the students, working with other teachers, receiving
;uppo~ from SEN teachers.;"Providing spec~al teachine strategies, use of non-verbal means of
communication, interpretation service and in Lnvolving parents in teaching their children with
·.HI were not used. '
Furthermore, teachers teaching in the inclusive settings were not adequately used services to
promote-the education of ..:_HIS. In addjtion, rooms and facilities were not comfortable and
"This .st_ydy concluded that the existing-practices of inclusive education for SWH I are influenced
b.y various serious challenges. To minimize the challenges, the researcher recommended that
awareness creation, Integrating SNE courses in ,teacher's pre-and in-service training are
essential. "
: '
', ..,,. .
conception and wrong beliefs about HIC. The schools, regular classroom teachers and SEN
teachers do not use behavioral, physical and. medical techniques to identify SWHI in the
i;nc;Jusive classroom.
... '
parents of HI students. The -studv employed both quantitative and qualitative methods of
, ~~
research. Data was collected through questionnaire, interview and observation.
avail.able in the study settings. For these reasons SWHI yvere not satisfied with their placement
· in inclusive classroom. |
en_US |