his study was conducted to investigate the effects of parent child interaction and
parent school relationship on academic achievement of preparatory school students.
To this effect, Bahir Dar town preparatory schools, namely Bahir Dar preparatory
school and Ghion secondary and preparatory school were used as source of
information for the study. From these two schools 2309 students are attending grade
11111 and 12111 and [ro m these 250 students were talcen lo be the sample.~! the studi]
using simple random so niplinq technique .. To collect the necessary data, parent child
interaction scale, parent sctiool relationship scale and academic achievement of
students were served os on uistruuient. Pilot studi, was curried out on 50 students
and parent child 1nler~clion scale w/1,ic/1 consisted of 38 items wns reliable
(Crornbach. Alpha = 0. 75) and tlia! of parent school relationship scale which consisted
of 20 items was also reliable (Crombacn Alpha = 0. 79). Results were analyzed using
correlational and regression analysis methods and it was found that parent child
inleraction.~has a siqnificani contribution to academic achievement while parent
school relationship has a negative con-elation with both parent child interaction and
academic · achievement and has no contribution for academic achievement of
hos to be strenqthed using parent-teacher meetings, sending regular newsletters to
p arent s via children, using sotne sort of awareness raising mechanism conducted by
school pnncipals, and concerned education officials the importance of parent school
relatiotvship on acuieuement of students, parents have to assist their children in