Rain water ha>Testing ponds have been used bt arid and semi-arid parts oftne world and encosraging resuus
have been realized bi terms oj.incre<1.ti11g ugric:1r/Jural _..,ie/J under low raiq/!1!l conditions. In addition, R~f'7T
ponds hove enabled do;;,,,,s!ic and livestock water ."1l[>p/y. and the production of high value crops iha:
comribure l{> llvellhood ia:1.:rov~m~nl and _/(xx/ l·eeuri1y. However, de...'fJJile the economic vi{1bilit;1 <.11u( th«
potential ofth« l.:chuf.l}OJ:,_J'J,'.fe>r improving c1J:.'7i...-u}turaJ p·()(};1cfil•i!")1 (111d livelihoods ofth« people, the adoption
of the rechnology by farmers is not saii.<[{cu:rory To ochieve tile stated abj.xts. mullis1age sampling techniques
were employed. In the first stage. three scn1p/tt RKA:r WC'TC' • selected purposeiv. Then, [arm ffo11seholdi; in the
sample RKA.i; li'ere stratified as us;:1· .. ~ and 1zo1111 ... ser OJA HH;H ponds. From users and n~itJ.-USftrs of R•'1lfj
por•a'sl32 .-.·~~11111/e hou:-,el;CJld respondems tt·fg"~ .'><!lecleti using fl!°obubilif>• and non-probubility ft:c.:l~r1ique:i.
Descrt[Jtive suuistics such "·' mean. standard deviation tJ.JUJ percenft1gt:!..\ were used fr1 tlescrii»: .... u,nr1letf
respondents in terms Ql' some desirable variabtes. ~1 binary logistic regression t.t .. as also u .. ,ed to analyze the
determtnants in the use 0;,rRJf1fT Thirteen variables tt.-e,·e included in the mode! ofwhtch nine 11~err found
.'\i>~fll/it:at)i'. Sex, education level, socia! participation~ training and jfm11/~,; si:« were found lo he hi:;h~,_,
importnnt variables i'!fl.11en<:ii1g the use of RWHTs. The forgoing. discussion has reveaied that RWH acuvity,
whlch includes trapezoidal p<.Jr.d covered ~·i1h plasti« sheet ;,,. nmlertukvn in the study urea narrowly.
Houeeholds involved in those activities could benefit n101-e if they got favoroote environmentfor utitizarion the
;ipfJij~ T}re. '!"'..frnaiLbac:ks· tha: hamper tlte df!"el~et11 ef RWHT acift1t.ies re.quired-b.y•tlte jizrm~1:, ir.~mk!·. ,
~ir~W];>~, ®pifpf, -and rtti#!!"afi!riaL~ Tbt-,6'jilii?.i!;. <'<111<.W~;jin~: ~~YJl.i!~·~Yl'CJF11m.:¢iltl'it. q,~~~.
• need to [ocus on i!np>·(ll.·ing women's social and economic status. providing. adult education and continuous
trainings reiaied to rain waler j1arvexting tcchnvltJKie.!.