Addis Ababa is highly vulnerable city to emergency risks because of its complicated
infrastructural development and socio economic related problems such as high proportion
of low quality hnusi~ units and slum settlements built in a congested and unplanned way
from high! y flammable materials.
Hence, lo avert these risks. reliable emergency management systems (response system i11
•characteristics (reliable address information. short response time, smaller average area
and multiple resources). ln the srudy area, however, these parameters would not be
considered and emergency services are, therefore, delivered traditionally,
To mitigate such problems, network analysis methods (closest facility analysis, shortest
path analysis and service area analysis) have been employed and the results include:
finding specific addresses of entities, the best route between any two points cu· series of
point> and closest facility to any other facilities were identified with in very short period
of rimes and optimum service area for fire and emergency services and hydrants have
been mapped, In general. the application of GlS capabilities as a decision making tools in
emergency management system in general and response system in particular has showed
better results than the currently used traditional systems.