The aim of this study was to examine the principals' leadership roles in maintaining
effective school, home and community partnership in the primary schools of Shewa Robit
Administrative Town. Descriptive survey research design was employed to the study. The
size of population was 258. Of this total population, 16 principals and 50 teachers were
included Jn the sample, and they were selected by comprehensive and random sampling
techniques respectiveiy. Both closed and open ended questionnaire and document
analysis were the data collection instruments. These instruments were developed by the
researcher. Pre-test if?f the itef[l..s was conducted ·before the questionnaire was
administered. The reliabilities of the scales were computed using Cronbach Alpha. The
Cronbach reliability values.; Were, for formulating partnership plan = 0. 79, for
communicating and spe_cifying the- roles of key players = 0. 78, and for the lists of
communication means and their effectiveness = 0. 80. Descriptive and inferential
statistical analysis techniques. , were employed to compute the data. Sixty four
questionnaires were properly filled in and analyzed. Results of a one sample t-test for
formulating partnership plan revealed that (t= 0.36, df =63, P = 0. ~2) in the principal
,; rand teacher respondents. This indicated-that principals were not that much effective in
·. "6rmulating partners.hip plans. One sample t-test also compu.ted in communicating and
· specifying the role of key players (t = 0.-.!)2, df = 63, p = 0:36)for principals and
teachers responses implying that principals were not highly effective in this variable. The
.. principals mainly use informing parents about the academic performance of children,
report cards, parent teacher conferences, regular meetings , school newsletters and
. periodic reports (p<0.05) as.effective communication means. The document analysis also
indicated the same result in all aspects of the variables as that of the questionnaire. A
, J.short Sutnmary of the, study and major findings were· reflected in summary part.
Therefore, it may be" concluded that principals ' Were not effective in formulating
·~rtnership plans, and communicating and spedfying the roles of key players. Likewise, it
may be concluded as principals did not use varied effecttve communication means to
ensure SHC partnership. Thus, .provision of training on the areas of listed variables,
improving the leadership styles, and using varied effective communication means were
some suggested possible recommendations to the principals.
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