dc.description.abstract |
Adama town has been experiencing the problem of sustainable utilization of domestic waler.
Water is a very1 necessary par/ of our everyday life. We cook with ii, deem with ii, and ii makes
up ./ver 90 percent of our body's structure. With u/i/ily' bills rising and ecological concerns
increasingly prevalent, knowing how to use domestic water in sustainable manner and
conserving water is more important than ever. Thus, the main objective of this research paper
was assessing the problems ofsttstainable use of warer in the house and major factors chat affect
household utilization of water. T<J achieve this objective, relevant data were gathered from both
primary and secondary- sources. The major primary instrument of data for the study were
household questionnaire aiW interviews. A sample of 140 households was selected using
stratified sampling method .ft·om four kebeles. Interviews with key informants were also held
Hoth qualitative and quantitative methods were employed as data analysis. Emphasis was put on
e.wmining the nat11re of problems of using domestic water in sustainable mannerfor washing,
s~wer, cookinlJ, gardening and the like. The study has confirmed that water utilization in the
house Is if1 a wasteful way. Ai present water is utilized carelessly without thinking for the future
generation. The major problems of sustainable use of water in the house are lack of training in
the conservation issues, carelessness of people while utilizing water, absence of know how to use
water sustainably, overutilizution of water, absence of reusing waler and some other factors.
Those sample households who responded 10 the questions al major problems in water
•:I} sustainability by pointing out lack of know how, over utilization and absence of training together
' accounts for about 63.3 percent and 30 percent of them raised carelessness of people while
utilizing water for showering, gardening. washing clothes and others, brushing teeth, cleaning
room. cooking and -others as challenges in sustainable utilization of domestic water. The
remaining 3. 7 percent of sample househoids raised other problems like absence of educating
children, in appropriate use of water. taking showers for long hours, absence of plan in the
withdrawal of water and others as the cause for high wastage of water in the house The major
coping strategies for the challenges are synchronizing different water sources, conserving water
sources, providing training on sustainable utilization of wmer, empowering women in waler
management, participating different actors, mobilizing financial resources, and staffing
organizational structure with skilled personnel and equipping ii with material facilities.
Moreover, for appropriate water use projection, a detail study on the physical and socio-
economic factors affecting sustainable utilization of water are desirable |
en_US |