dc.description.abstract |
The aim of the stui!v wos to evahuue land use suitobilityfo« swf(lce irrigation b.1• using, G!S and
remote sensing techniques in Konso Special Woreda i11 Sr.'~'!' Regiona! Siam o{ Ethiopia. The
evutuation of land 1i1 terms rf the snitobilu» classes ""' based on the method described in F,4 0
guideline for lasu! evaluation. The essence of lond evaluation is to compare or match rlu•
rcqnirement of each potentia} land use with the ch..1r<JL·t.,risti('!f of each kind of {and. The ,/,,ru:.
soil type, soil depth, sui! druinog«. sail texuae. land cover data IOJ'<!rs and 1rmer avadabuiry are
usedfor the GIS analyst» Eaeh layer was anal)>zed tndepeodently and catl!gori~ed mto dif.terem
class of suitability (Highly. Moderateiy, and .'fo/ suitabte} 11s111g differer« criteria c:m1sid<•ri11g
land quali1ie,· r~quirrd bi' surface nrsgatio» method tnlm the slope, soil. land co·..,er and 11:a1er
aspect .
. ·~fter evuluating the pl/)'sical land :.:upahility.for siofoce urigauo». irrigation .\ui!uhi!it)' 1nt1p \l'C:fS
developed. Thefinat sioface irrigution suitabilin: map was obtained by mw·laying vuitoble slope
raster layer. suitable soil raster layer, :rui1t1hle land cover raster tayer la11t( e1~c.,licl11,u1 disumce
ji·om rivers in Weighud Overlay lmd of Arru/S 9.2 spatial m1aiys1 envirunment. A; ii'; being the
1nr1.~·1 ii~niling,factorfvr rite realization t~f. l!.\fl\!t'itt/~v for surface irrigation method, the sloru: Iaver
'~"·' used m tho: base map for tile overlaying analysis.
S111dy showed that abou: 30. (15% of the study Of'f.'<i :S siop« is below 1"11 and found 10 be lnJ?,hlv
sutiabte for surface irrigotion. ·111e 5IU<ly area is lligh/J: dominated h)' n;ociert1le!)' suitable soil
s11i1Qbb'il)• class whicl: covers 56.5%.,iroin the woreda's 101ui area. The i!a11ti11c1111 land co\•,:1· types
in the study :-1rea an: cultivoted land (34.3-U) and grazing land (!7.2%/. M!1r<' than half (!/.<1>1dy
urea is high!v suitable fOI' irrigation from tond cowr point of w'ew. Highly suitablv' land cm'er
clr~s.1 occupies 51.5%from the »ored« ·., l!ttal area.
Baser! <fn OF< .. ,. alt analysis about 5()!) lon7 i21.5%1 '!(1/1(' tota! land (.'Q\'er<1gtt, which JS dominated
by loll' slope.gmdiems. were identified as highiy suuabt« lo rnr.[ace irrigation while 722 km'
r 3 f. /%j area 11l land fr moderately suitable. The rest I l!ifl km' f.l 7. ~%; WM of fond •~ not
suitable for ,·u1:/fA:e irrv .. ianon due lo topographic .. soil and land cover limitations c1111,l water
tnaccesstbtttty. Finull», ii ll'i~.f recommended 1/ro1 further sttKI}· shoulcl be conducted on the
evalnation of cbemica! propertie .. ~ t1{ the snil, i.1-·u1~1· quotity u1,d socio-economic aspect» '~.l tho
s1ulf); .are<1 prior to implementation of irriJ{uJi,1n d(:"."clo,oment 11roje-:::ts b1 the p1·oject arett |
en_US |