ustainable agriculture is the moin goal <>i !and .shiwci!ity evoluatton. This Hidy deals with land
sn;l!lbilil_·.: evaluation t!{ Lenche Di'1:a Wntr:n:he(.l aboia 1632.9 hectares, located in Nort]: ii~uilu
Adminlstrative Zone. Tile m<n.·i•mm1 limitation ~H1cm oaopted fros» FAO 1983 guide line was used 10
evaluate the ;1!ilobi!i:y'{)f rhe tond fol' tire selected major ratmea cereal crops ti.c. tef ana sorghum)
This reseurch H'll~t:nitiuted wi;}, fiv: muin <>hjd1iva' rx1riit.,11/:1:·6; to hlc.111~(}' th« major soi] :.111d
this study include climate. LULC. ropcgrapily and soil. Dara cf spanal wcror and raster as well as
"-the.• attribute t~I· th« mqJt)r variables were t.vs/i;..~:ted fro."lt fietd observation. i'tifUJJ:r(IJJhic '>heel and
laboratory tests. and fron: F.T.J..-f sareilue imagery. Ther~fbr~. CJ.~ software such as Arclnfo IJ . .!
version H't;s £'n111loy·e1.i in order to analyze various tlaJasef.'\ rdw::d fa lundsuitubiiity evaluation al a
wtaershed level.
LULC types of the studv area. to cJwsijy tile watershed imo land mapping units. and IO map tile
The resuu showed tnor lhc• lower J'lood plain and unci~ki-1ing plub1 land units t.~·hich accoum abou; 45
percent qf the y.iud}'· ar~?a is moderasety suitable /01· tire cuhivotion of'tcfcnd sorghum whii« the rcs1
55 percent=is n1argiooll>• suituble and unsuitabl« fi.ir them. Thus, ilie result of' the research luu
indicated thftt Geographk: lniormation Svstem (GJS'J is a po«e.1,f11l cool /Cr geo-environmemai
the databases generated from various sources and evaluate then: e.lficient~1: for specific land use
planning. r€sou.1·ce tnm1agenie..;11 and deczs!or. 1nai:ing,. _fitt..'l!IJ'. the quaitnes of eacti land unit H·cre
matctied with th« requirements uj {I porticutor form 1if tand use in order lo produce various type« Dj'
UlOf.->S and oiformauon about the study' 1ya1enJ1ed.