Factors That Affect Primary School Women to Come Principal ship Position in Bahir Dar Administrative City

Show simple item record Abebe Leyew 2018-01-06T04:35:43Z 2018-01-06T04:35:43Z 2014-01-05
dc.description.abstract The objective of this study was to examine the roles of instructional leadership in the context of Enarj Enawga woreda primary schools. To meet this objective, the instructional leadership dimensions related with developing mission and goals, managing the educational-production function, promoting an academic learning climate and developing a supportive work environment were the major study areas. The study employed qualitative method and exploratory design. Six schools were selected by using purposive sampling and six principals by using comprehensive sampling and eighteen teachers were selected by using purposive sampling. Data collected through interview (semi-structured) were qualitatively analyzed. Closed-ended questionnaires were also used to obtain information on personal characteristic of the respondents. The major findings of the study were identified the major roles of instructional leadership. These roles of instructional leadership include setting vision and defining mission, clarifying the core school values, setting aims and developing goals, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating, actively involving in promoting the curriculum with the help of action research, promoting quality instruction, supervising and evaluating instruction and allocating instructional time. It also includes encouraging professional development of teachers by implementing and leading CPD program and building effective and supportive environment in schools. The study also showed that there is no similar understanding between principals and teachers about the factors of instructional leadership except the dimension of promoting an academic learning climate. Instructional leader must have a vision for the organization that is clearly focused upon desired outcome, communicate that vision to everyone, provide and/or obtain the resources needed to accomplish the vision and manage one-self. The researcher also recommended that the woreda education office should give greater emphasis to instructional leadership part of leaders’ roles, promote principals role by providing instructional leadership training and enabled them to adopt best practice to fill knowledge gab in their instructional leadership. And it is advisable for instructional leaders to use the techniques of people getting things done with the support and cooperation of people within the school and act as a situation by coping with the coming situations in school rather being rigid in all situation. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Factors That Affect Primary School Women to Come Principal ship Position in Bahir Dar Administrative City en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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