..Jr7 In llthiopia land is a major socio-economic asset. Nearly 8§\pl,~cenL or the population
in Amhara region resides in the rural areas and predominately engaged in sm,111 scale
and subsistence agriculture which accounts 55.8 percent of the Rcg.onal UDP.
l\:m1ral factors coupled with human factors resulted in an alarming land and other
natur11I resource degradation in tile region. These problems are though! to be
exocerbared by tenure insecurity and luck of proper land administration ~)'SL~m which
deals with this issue, With a strong conviction of 1ht' existence or alarming natural
resource degradation. the Amhara National R<:giomd Seate (/\NRS) asserts the tenure
socurity argument as an important incentive and policy principie for designing a
sound land management mid land administration system. To this cornrr iunent. tl«
Jfogio:ial government has under taken policy. instiunional, and legal reforms since
21101), lhc rural land regisiratlon and certification exercise is, therefore, dedicated 10
assure tenu-c security of user rights or l'Ur;1J land holders, This operation has
eomb'ncd with endeavours in combating the 11IR1111i11g land degradation problem
thro.1gh proper land management and em·i1011m~nt.11J prorcciion for sustainable
:fcvclupmenl 1d I over the Region.
The aim of this paper i~ Lo assess and evaluate the rural land rcgistrntiou anti Jund
nfbrmatlon system in Amhara reg1011 rrom land administration roint of view.
Whereby the paper has uucmptcd to show what are 1he good practices and
performance gaps u"ld ~uggcst~ us to how the system could be more efficient, reliable
und adaptable 10 new circumstances. /\ descriptive approach is 1m1i11Jy employed (ti
BltRb the study objectives. Both primary and secondary tlu(:1 arc used us sources of'
i11!\1r111mio11. Primary daru are generated through focus group discussions with
members o l' Kebele Land Adrnini stration committee t K LAC). interview with farme, s
and Woreda land adrninisnution stafr.~ in the field, Revie11VS of' different policy
documents, relevunt legislations, system development afld iruplemernatlon reports arc
used to generate secondary :latn. Besides, conceptual evaluauon moccl is also
employed to identify the good practices and performance gaps of the system. The
stuJy has addressed policy issues. iustiuuional arrangements, responsibilities and
cno1diumiuu. legal frameworks and enforceability, tcc'inicat issues like cata
acquisition, maintcnunce and updating, safety and security, and infonuution
·1 he research has concluded that r ic development of this new system is n welcome
operatlon among different potential siukeholdcrs in the region. EPLAUA 's ~lra!egy to
ad~res.~ tenure Insecurity problem through an innovative d'1iil it:o-poor approach has
significantly considered as good practice of the system. Besides, the process or
reviewing and amending the previous Jund administration law i~ timely done. 1l1011gh
some basic by-laws arc not. enacted to date. This shows that the iterative nature of the
system by which it attempted lo acconunodatc new demands of potcutlal stakeholders.
However, some of the principles ef effective legal frameworks slated in the
tcgislatious and the reality on the ground did not match, On the other hand, the
research has shown that there is a serious Jack of coordination and communicaiion
among the responsible organs at all level though al the lower ;, worsening. Even if
successful land registration mid L[S would require the assumption or a very heavy,
11J1d often thankless, coordination of respousiniliues between different stakeholders,
El'LAVA was seemed either hesitant to take the lead to establish a smooth