An Administrative Approach to the Need for Effective Real Estate Registration in Bah1r Dar City: A Tool for Safeguarding Dwellers' Real Property Rights

Show simple item record Melkamu, Belachew 2018-01-03T07:45:36Z 2018-01-03T07:45:36Z 2018-01-03
dc.description.abstract Bahir Dar being the centre nf one of the most populous regions in Ethiopi», Amhara region. can not tolerate inefficient real estate registration any longer. Socio-ecouoruic issues and issues of sustainable development encircle rhe need for effective cadastral and land registration development h Bahir Dar. The performance of real csratc registration has some bearing on the popula:ion growth which derrands an effective cadastral system to provide a continuously better public service. I he region has signifkrntly increased from Lime to time The cit)' is growing fast both in the centre and the vicinity. Must of thb expunxion is due lo populanor, pressures which have made land very expensive, nnd the settlement in the :mburhs high. If appropriate cadastra! services are nor put in place and exaruned from limo to time as the urban sprawl continues, i1 will be very challenging 10 have a goed record er srcio­ economic development in tbc city and the wider region. In this case, the city will undeuhlcdly face high infrastrucurral costs and worse socio-economic problems in the future dcvcluprucnt. Whal is more. the dwellers' real property rigtm, havhg 101h international an<l nmional dimension. will be violated. xeuhcr will the u-ben dcvclopmcot policy of the country be effectively applied in the city. t'his thesis at first revisits 1h11 most relevam definitions of the related subjects and concepts of real esur.e registration, and provides the goals, siraregics and mis.;ion of land adminismuon. lt clearly shows the importance of effective cadasue and land reinstratton together with the basic features of same. The work also eddresscs the basic princi;ilcs and standards agamsr which uie land udmmistruhon m Hahrr D:ir can be measured The core or the thesis is Ihm it concisely puts the sho-t history of eadasue in llahir Oar und imphcatcs its future trends as it is and as i: ought to be. It assesses the factua xi.uations (as obtained from direct observation. questionna res, and court cascsjwith regard to cadustrc and land registration in Hahir Dai and 1he11 evaluates the )~~tc111"J on the institutionnl, legal and technical evaluation criteria both in quantitative nnd qualitative terms by i111plyi11g hs stroug aud weak s.des. Finally, the work ends by briefly comparing the urban Amhara/Hahir Dar cadastre will· the rural Amhara cadastrc thereby ~oeuini; a strong basis for suggesting major changes ir the current system by means of rccnglnccring the process. coordination and politica' awareness. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject LAND en_US
dc.title An Administrative Approach to the Need for Effective Real Estate Registration in Bah1r Dar City: A Tool for Safeguarding Dwellers' Real Property Rights en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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