In Amhara Nal ioual Regional State, ragged landscape, high rainfall intensity, backward
agricullural practices in combination wit.r insecure land right and high population pressure
h:lq lead to lertilc soil erosion. overgrazing and deforestation, With land tenure insecurity. the
rural poor compete tor land, wood and water 10 use ii illegally for shon-term benefits,
consecutively. loss of vegetative cover, fertile sod erosion and increased lund disputes occur.
I tence, the natural resource in (,\.:ncrnl is cktcr.urming cunuru.ously.
Elfective land ndmlnistration system encourages sustainable and productive management of
natural resources and the tand in particular. Security nl' lard ownership is not onl} a
prerequisite f()r n successful natural resource rnanagemcnt; it aleo cncouruges rural
development and food sccu rit y by pcrsonali/i n ~ I and tor in tensl l'icd and p tanned u sc. Based
1111 1hi,, principle ;\1'RS has launched a land administrauon system aticr the r.uification or the
lnnd administratio11 and use policy "' well <>S proctanuuions to strengthen its iusututional
<UI up,
1'11c aim of thi:. s111d) is to review and outline the l~nd administrution sy>t1:m·~ role in
~on,crvi11g 11r1ttw<il resource, reducing dispute, gcner:tling revenue and crcnriug incentives In
10% term i11vc!.lrncnl vn lnnd to cncovruge the enhunccmcnt or the soclo-ccouo nic growth ol'
Amharn National l<cgionnl Srarc. I hrcc kcbdc• arc selected wrlh judgment sampling ror the
study, The number or 1r11·gcL populuticn in the study is 50 in each kcbclc Willi 11 ttlltd of 150
household respondents.
'I he formers' opinion nbout the existing land .enure system revealed tha1 the main concern ls
the lncrcusc in land tenure security emanated from perpetual use right It has shown I hut they
arc s~1islicd with the la11(I administration system: rneasuremenr, registration and ccrtificarion
111' their posscseicn rights ·n~inly with the modern cadastral ~ui veyiug 111~till>d uud thcrehy
~11arn111ccin;?. for long-term use. The study has revealed th:il the land ndministrntivn system
irrp'cmcrucd i1: 111~ region has a social and ec1111M11ical equity ~11\I coutributions tu the
rcglonul peopte and h: the regior. at large, Yet the land administration is mil performing
spcciullj financial and economical contrib.rtions with respect tu l.iml market libcrulizution and
l~nd nlor1guging.
111 order I(> further strengthen the system and its contnbutions lo development endeavor the
tullowing recommendations shall be given concern. Dcctsions about land policies strategies
<111d measures on land should base on the choice and judgment of the farmers themselves.
Lcgistatlons, directives :111J forms for the implementerton of land admmisrrauon components
should be developed and implemented. The opportunity tu introduce a speedier and cheaper
land surveying system ha' to be investigated and implcmerued. The establishment of a
comnrehensivc automated and unified laud information system as well as integrating the
regional land information under one uni ll~d system with the major stakeholders has lo get
urtcntion. In order to assure the sustainability of the system sci l-financing of the land
adnrnistraricn system should be studied and started gradually. The land tax system should be
relined. Legal bases to develop land valuation system should also gel considerations. The
awareness creation to ihc stakeholders and the general public ough'l to be reinforced.