he land a:lminimution sy;;1~111 in the Amhara region started the implementation of rhe
ecrti licl!l ion prngnm > it: Ill<' m idd le of ~00 I lbe primary objecii vc o ;· the land administration
~~st~m is io secure hn!Lli11g rights hy j,~ui 1g a certificate of holding in respect lo rhe
rng1<rercd right under holdings. The instrurncntx used for Ilic registration of l·oiding :ighls me
or 1,,.0 types. The traditional method is extensively used throughout the rcgio11 while cndastral
sur-·cyiug s l.mitcd to a pilot level due to thr: high cost of operations and system
c,on1rk,itie>. 11 general. the system employed for registration is ii systematic type that is
11111iu1ed by the ~ovcrnmen\. As '' result, all potential costs of cpcrauon are covered by the
par icipatron of hencliciarv communities and by Ilic state at large.
fol' the land adrn inistrauon system to be sustuiua u le and effect i \'C in the admi nistrat ion of'
land rights it demands that basic requirements like high legality, adequate resources (in terms
of skilled manpower. finances and means of r-ansportauon), com111i1111cn1, a push for political
suppnn consistent with it.s endeavors, However, land administratiou wi II not reach its
objective> if it encounters a shortage of resources, low legality, or foils into excessive control
and lack urc.ommi1rnenl. Moreover, landholders need to know their basic nghts and land use
ubligations so as LC· make the system sustainable,
The concept land riehts sccur.iy highligl1:s the fact t'iat ii is the capability of 11,e lund holder
LO farm the plot under his holding in a constant manner without external imposiuou, dispute
or eviction as well as .he ability to claim fruits or land lmprovements. Therefore, the level of
lard rights security depends on the rungc of rights in relation to the use and transfer and die
tx\ent of autoonmy that the landholder making in use or those right$. Tu this end land righi
security is ensured by 1he provision of legally recognized evidence. t.hal is. the certificate of
holding. h1rlhcrmore., with land -ights security it is the state and/or the community thut are
the most important bodies playing the mnjor role in the grantin5 of land rights security. The
argument is that there is no land right system thm awards security by itself'; rather, the power
lo make protection ofrights compulsory or LO put ii into effect is within the hands ofthe state
and the community. Moreover, security of rights necessarily depends on die strength of the
institute, F.l'LAU.'\, responsible to administer land rights.
• Regarding the effects of certi (jcation, it seems that there is no general consensus. In some
counuies a significant relationship between cerufication and investment, and agricultural
productivity is observed but nut in others; for instance, Kenya. For this reason, spccialisr's
point or argument stressed that lor certification to contribute for the tlrowth of farm
productivity demands the attainment of other factors. One of the groups concerning the level
of land riglu security insisted that for the land certification to bring about security of land
nghts depend> on the extent of rights in terms of breadth, duration and assurance, According
lo this group of researchers if the extent of rights comprised all principal rightS' such us the
right to sale, mortgage and cotlatcrat the land, then security of rights could take place,
Another group argued that certification is a necessary but not sufficient condition especially