Ethiopia has great potential for wide range of industrial development with
availability of labor force and natural resources which can help as raw material.
Due to these the growth of garment and textile sectors in Ethiopia become
stronger in this recent decade. Number of large and small to medium enterprises
(SMEs) in clothing sector has opened. All these clothing industries are time
sensitive in nature. So, the aim of this study is primarily to develop Amharic
computer program that performs cut order plans for Ethiopian small to medium
scale garment manufacturers. The study focus on cutting section activity of cut
To undertake this research, the method used to make the proposed Amharic
computer program model was “Python 3.6” programming language which enable
to writing clear programs. A standard Python interface module “Tkinter” used to
prepare the user interface which help to run application and also “Pyinstaller”
program that helps to freezes/packages Python programs are used to make the
proposed computer program. In addition, to make necessary drawings like
system design and flow diagram the software so called “Edraw” was used.
Findings of this research are computer program that can perform cut order plan
both in Amharic and English as the user option. The program able to take
necessary inputs like different buyer orders with different sizes and quantity from
user through user interface and results the required number of lay and size
combinations in each lay within seconds and able to save the final result as a
report. This research also results to change the conventional methods of cutting
room activities which cause unnecessary fatigue for operators, reduce
throughput time of cutting room, and improve the overall operation. Finally, the
program tested and a number of recommendations are given for the garment
companies. This research can be used as a lead for future research works in the
Key words: Cut order plan, small to medium enterprise, programming language,
software, system design, fabric utilization