n Ethiopia. land degradation has become a serious problem affecting all spheres of social.
economic and political life of the population. It is one of the major challenges to agricultural
development and food security of the country. Jn order to solve the problem of land degradation,
a lot of efforts have been made since 1970s. However, at the end the intervention couldn't be
sustainable and able to bring the intended impact. Thus. identification of challenges in
relation to land rehabilitation practices fa of paramount importance The study was undertaken
in Angacha woreda (District), Kambata Tambaro Zone, South Nation Nationality and peoples
Region. In order to achieve the objective of the study, both primary and secondary data were
generated by employing qualitative and quantitative data. JOO household heads were selected
from two kebeles by using systematic random sampling as ii is believed that the households
are similar with respect to the characteristics tho! influence the research output. The process of
analysis of the study was carried 0111 using qualitative description and quantitative analysis. The
quantitative data was analyzed using frequency. percentage and mean when appropriate. The
qualitative data wm discussed IV substantiate the \'llU{l'. Based on the findings of the study,
Geographical Information System and Remote sensig based evaluation of Land Use land
Cover changes indicated that there has been a significant land use and land cover change in
the last 15 years. The main causes of land degradation in the study area are: high population
pressure, steepness of the topopography, prevalence of torrential rain fall and poor land
management systems. The people in the sudy area practice different traditional land
rehablitation techniques. There are various socio-economic and institutional factors that
influenced land rehablitation practices in the study area such as: poverty, participation in off
farm activities, and the unwillingness offamily members to participate in land rehablitation
activities, lack of cooperation. little NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) participation and
shoirtage of government efforts.
Key Words: land degradation. GIS. Remote Sensing, LULL: Land Rehablitation