dc.description.abstract |
Land and v.trter resource suir,1bilif}3 assessment plays an important role iJ1 maintaining anti
developing land and water use 011 a spatial basis. 1Jiis paper ;dcnt(fics th« evaluation of land
suitability ./~')I' irrigation intensification. Thi!: research project u:as curried out in ~111d,1sa
wutershed river cutchments. around sinuhem Babir Dur cu», north western Estuopl«. The stud»
area covers 6/i 20. 36ha of land. The mm of this sluc/y 'l'tJS lo analyze the waler and land
resources potential and managemesu in river catchment» of .41ul1.1 v 'a watershed for irrigation
suittthifil)i by using (je~aphic !1iforn1a1ian s:~"!ilen1 f(T/.\'j t.uu./ remote ,\'(!n.\ir1g. ffl~tersho!tl
dehneation, ulentification ~~f potensial irri,<!;ahle laud, and socio-economic factors that influence
the lt.\e (~j·sur/Uc~ irrixt.1li(j11 welter managemeut 'rere foltowed to onaiyze this irrigation potential.
The evuiuatio« of land in terms of suitabiliry cktsses was based 011 the method as described m
F/lO guideline for kr,r1d evaluarion. ,1nalyric Hierarchy Process (.4'ffP) evaluation me/hod wa.v
used to evaluate rite physical land characteristics of the sl•f<ly area for surface irrigation. There
are techniques, which H!er~ used to "-'1?1';!/11 and standardized tht: fouors, which are used ta
evaluate the land in the study area. Tbese mclud.: Afll' pair WtS'l' combtnattou. The factors tho:
were c:ons1deredfi>r evaluations of !he iand for surface irrigation include: slope. kmd use land
cover, r,i,·er distance. soi! /sott type, soil texture. sqjl <h"(llnage. and soil depth). A)l"r "''t1luo1ir1g
th/ physical land capability for surface irrigation suitubiliry map was dew/oped. 'J11i.< map was
classified in lo J-1.n .. ·r suilc1J;i/il)' classes based 011 F,iO guitleiine. The result obtained: 75./c'f. 76ha
(i2.3f> %j highly suitabl«, 25180.6/hu {.//.13%/ 111<){/er,uely suitable, 335.62/w (0.55%j
. .
marginully suiusble am/ 2fl006.27ha r4:..S6%j permanendv 1101 suitable. 111e GJS and RS
or1a4'.\i.~ results identified trrigation pote.nth1I suitability in the watershed. 11c~sides, demographic,
socio-economic. and inuitmtonai factors also hindered former'« irrigation ~1·r.uer ntanagemen:
utitizauon q.f the µ01<:1,;f:'c:I. In th« bivuriote and fAJ.~Luic Regretjfon analysts results ... Sex .. f0111flj1
.:izi:, anti irrigation Jech."lnlom: user variobles l+'!'re l1igh~v stgnificanr determinant variables at P<:
O.UJ whereas level o,,f e;:/:1(·-1.1t1c1s and accesses of tratning are nuJ<ler<tlel:y 'ii&rn{jiconf at P<:0.05,
while the remaining variables u-ere not significant due to different constraints .. 4111or1~ ail
independent variables entered in lA>J,fi.'Otie Regression 11KJdel~ the Watd vaiue respondents' of·
1rr:~{t.1!1011 technolox.y users is 1/11! hi~he.u value i6.50ii As a resulr both irrigation poteniia}
suitability ((Hi./ socio-economic fi11dinp,.~ can be to help water a111.f land use planning decisions. In
canclus ion. irrigation poteniicl from this figure can he increased b): t1Si11g subsnrface irrigation
methods (sprinkte) and drip) i111gmio11. Finnlly it was rR.co111111ended that fiirilwr .<111dy ,,hr;u/d he
cv1ul11cted on th<! e\!t1lu<1!ion <if c:ht.!1niral ;11 .. 0JX!rlk!J t>f soil. crop l-rater reqttiren1e1;r cmd
envirOFlnu?nlCil fqc1nrs t?f 1!1e ~tud> arf!a JJroceedi11g to itU]Jle1ne11torio;1 of irrigc11io11 (ievelopnrenl
fJr(~ie'-·1s; 1n 1!1<! srut.i). area |
en_US |