l his paper reports on-abe suue of 11si11g li!eraTIJrc 111 HFL learning: the p:.rr11nse was ro
investigate the exisiin» practice and to anatyz« us rule it; fus1eri11.~ reading skills in th« li11h1 t~(
the current principles. To study the issue, all units of grade 9 English textbook that employ
tuerary :exls for re(l1/in11 comprehension tt•ere selected purposively. Besides. 11u! of randomly
selected 4 secondary schools uf Bnhir Dar, grade 9 students and teachers were sy.ile111aticaily
• chosen. In addition to questionnaires, text evaluation and lesson observation 1-1.-·c:re conducted.
T'1e sH11ui11rdfmmewurk of reading comprelu:nsion (Weir. 1993} 1.og1•rher with current "ii:w1· of'
literature was applied for develt>pin11 daia gasheril•t; insinunents. Fi11olly results were mwlyz.ed
:'tsing simple frequency distribution. ·111e findi1igs reveal t1 poor ~:are o] implementutiort. 'T(:.}kS
and the ~e(J(·hing trend seem inconsistence 10 1/ii? current principles of using iiteruture. Lack in
inducing inserest and encouraging learners' ifl<•o/ve.me111 appeared w be the mo.« co1111wm
1n·o/J/ems that require mi of most auention of rile prartiuoners.