dc.description.abstract |
/,01·· enforcement ageucies Like t}u.u of poiice loliciy· (;r~.fe.1cetl M1i1/1 l:irgc voiume o_lc!at<J 1Ju1t mus«
be processed and fr{1ny,fnr1n('<.l inta u\i~fi1l Jru'or;narion. Hence. sputic! dotabose and crime
mapping (:011 (:.rJ·et.UI)' improve crime c1111.1~i,.·.:;is atui t.li!t in reductng t1n(iprr-!L'~~111i11:.[ crime.
The purpos« u! this study «. to explore the appliwhilily of ors technique in .the efforts (if crime
l~rel~enrion with parttctdar emphasis /(1 tht: IJ11hir Dar Police '~[/ice (111,f to do a bench1n:.1rk wori:
tha: could h<J~V to extract crime pouerns, to sho« .. crimes ,~f uie town spcticlly. lo i<lent{~~· crime
trends and crime 11'1>f.\'Jlf>l 1.1retl.\ in the !O\i-'11. For this objective. .11rc(i/.S' .S')f' arid differen: 5JJC1tt(1/
t.r1u1~i·,i.\ [unctions like. .• JIUlfJ overlaJ~ 1.11ui iuserpotmions ~11(·rH 111111Jl~IJ:'<.?ti to class.~fj' and JH<IJ) crime
recurd» Sf•lil;olt'y· on tl.•8"'-:'t_>l1Sis ofth« values ojauribut,» crime.
Results (~( the studv ht1i·~: shown tlu« bot]: .to •. zioeconomic and rle111ogrc.11Jhic characteristics nave
ietatton with the ten<lenc.i' ;~/ crim« ,·u occur. Factors SIK".h vs 5e.'· tvn«, marital. and employtnem
suusts. populaticn <·len~if.v (}j- the area. ag£> and educaiionu! teve! f~j· o.6r(uule!r.~ have ossociation
h:ilh 1·ri11'ft~ to h11 occur red. There is neither stea(/:1 i;,c:rel:J.('i~ nor decrease (~.f'i(J1<1/ crime from t.fte
.rer.W I ()9:.: Ji> .lf.100 E. C. Crhn« rate decreases fro,» lhe )''1<Jt 1997 to I 998 E. ( ', bit' il'1<:.1'(~l1.~e~ Iro)»
l 998 to i 'J9Y and decrease (1g,1in .. {renn ! 999 to :!000 b)1 -0. 22, 0. 4 7 and .. r~·. / 6 respect; Pe.'J·.
Therefore. trends of crime in the town are variable and c/u1nge.lrun1 vear to ; .. ·e(lr.
. . .
Poiice OJ~licers can 1n-:.1~e use~ ofthe applictnion oj <ii.Y bust«! crime prevention ssraiegies. 11·11.r.~,
this rs.searrh has proved that data manipulati» • .., by Gf.S' software is catuable 10 Sli/!f.l(>rt tht: crime
11rl! .. serunm and controlitng process in th« ·/lt1hr Dar toH·11. |
en_US |