dc.description.abstract |
l1e• main objective of the reseurch is 10 1i:ve.st!ga1e tJJ<! iJtqJUCI of rU<:I<. t/1«lr'J'ing and crushing nperanor: 011 !1'-.Jt
environment in fJ!r!rt.'h and Zeruelima kebelet uf Bahir D'I.[ l.'ity~ whict: is considered U} Qf,'C1 uf th« most
b(ituilifi1l. well planned, and Jafe:s/ cities by 1na.lfy <raNfart/:). The un"f!siigarimt i11 v t()/v~J quarry' otvners, crusher
operators, vi/l(lgcrs who reside 1viIJ11r. 500 to /(}(J0.?1/ radius .1+our rlu: qtuury• sites. experts from Reg)r111"! Mines
and F.,1i~:rf!Y Resources Development Al(en<..y. Burea« of Environa1enl(I} Protection, Land Administration and
L~f~~. andfrorn Bohtr Dar City Aduunjsfrmion office. Que.ttim"Jnuire. imerview, group discussion; ;,11er11i1·e fietd
observation (surt'f!}~ and soi! s-<uxpling (for heo-.;y metal <1nu}ysis, are used in data gc;th~ring. 111 addition, hand
held (;PS', GE:CJ.J1l4.:\'S i. .. 2.2':+ and Arc<~iJ l...frc.~ICTp version /Oj are also used in the spanai data cotlecuoa,
manipularlon and mapping. Fo,. the data analy.t1.t and iiU2rprt>ttJtit.»i SPSS i•ers1on 16 and Excel application
s.q/htur~! H'1."'rt' used.
Results of socio l!co.•1on,~inv~stigation showed that ull (100%1 ufthe residents poiru our rhe prvlf/'°eratlu11 <d
quurr)' activity, ~<?0% of rtyi<lt:nl.S bav« tndicated prautces of h1rbrg /'!211d for (fU(.rrJ·i11x und mure than halj' of
the residents have 1u1t:'(:ed land use chang» bolhjr01t1 crpicu/Jure.!grazing ti) quarrying; in ihe area. Dust J(/li ovt
and r)rOJU! area lo erosion w<:rre the 1110.sl com11;01z!y occurred tYniironale.ntaJ impaas rcsuited./r'Jn1 the quarry
fiJ)Pi·atiun whereas visual impuci! skmd di.<;turl>anr:desthetic foot of i/u~ area} ranked second and noise,
cleurance or cutting down of indige1tOUS tr~·ifgetations and t:tOf) failure due to soiling and a~ricul{urai
fietds being covered b)· rock fragments <Tri? rnn!t.ed third. tr,; the reudents too.
OJ' tl!i! total St.Jrv<..ye(( residents, 91% corfirmed lira/ the introduction f!.{ the quarl}' and C'l'a'.i:urx uctivity N.J the
ar<Ja have created employmen: <>(.1purtunilies jOr the !oca! residems. ? J.3% of the residents have b'~n~/itf!d by
hir:'nf! their land jOr quarry (11;d related activities. Besides. Ifie regional guvcrnnre.nf gets re•·fenuc frn111 license
holders in the form of ro>•t.dtJ•, income tax, license fees, !.a1NI rentals ;"fCnev.:al fees and other related P"J'ntt:rfls .
2J% cf the quurry~ workers te·<;1x)nt.kd that their he'11th status ~'Ore empl1;y1ne11t Has excetlen: 41. 7~1, \l't:'l'e
very good, and J 3. 7SG were grH)d SJlhere.a.s after em11IO)mer.t. the health s1a1uf became 8.3% rxcetlcnt, 16. 7%
verJ1 Rl)Oc/. 33.3% good and 41. _?%fair. Data coll'""Clt:!l/rOt1:1 the reaction t>f the hn:ul residents' showthat 60~<)'.
of the respondents prioritize irrttauo« of: eycfirsl and 40% tndicue respiratory problem second.
60% vl th« experts replied that fhl!}~ are awcD'e of both J.fuu11g and F,;n.·0-01unenl<1I tows, 30% only 1nb1ing and
i (l'Yo 011~)1 knL'ft-' F:/i..,·trontni!ntai !mr;t. ~Ind onlJ· 10% uf th~ quatT)' CHlners knou: the &lr;frnnrttl'ntal lau1::.· right
/ro111 a'are lhey· recei,•e th:!ir lic:e11se. lhe huger part. 80"~ so;d tl1ey du noi i:nnu' :he said ,'a\1·-S' :\1orf! ovt!r 60~~
of the quarry: Ol1'n.:?rs did not h""e El.A docum2nt. und 70% 1;ever torJ; training rc1hlle.d lo e11virnnn1enral
ilt:/>.:tclS of quarr:i-·. 70% 0' che responden!.t (exfX!rt~-j said /hat there is nu in1ey,rt.fiun wurk among sectnrs in
reh1llon I? 1t1oni1orin,-.; (,lJ1djoJlol<P up o_f the quurry adhtities. Ct>rre'lr;1mt!Utg lo these /?.lets, qu~u·1 ..... (H·1·nt.•ry µroi,·e·
th:ll lhc _frequi!ttL')' 0,,ftheir quarry sil£?.1: have been cordrolted b)• t!X(h!rl.:J is 'r"f'.£".>' 14-'ea.t
The hc.:n·J' mt>lul analy:sis fhmv.v rhat oJnlenl '!}-Fe itt the $Oil turRplex ji"mn the swdy a1·¢>.t1 (Irr. nntc.h gr,"ah."".t'
than Iha/ 'tf'tlie 1vorl!J average de.tcr1bed h)· f/,.t?. vnJ BiTrD"- Wh2r~a~. ~ "'(>r/J (l'.•er~ge c.01~12n1 <!,(Cu, :\1r;
ar.d 7.t: metuls are n1uch higher 1hun th<' nJ'!an valut> nfC-u. .4/n. and Zn oj'ihe srudj1 ar~·"'
Aiu} based on rhe./irnhngs. cor1clu.'\i?m are dr!lw11 and rf?cnmmi:?1ulaci1Jnr are.fo,""»·arde-d. |
en_US |