dc.description.abstract |
'overty has a spatial dimension. Geography, parlic11l11rly the physical environment,
plays a significant role in the poverty condition of communities and of the people living
in disadvumaged regions. The spatial handling of poverty is an emerging; paradigm for
which researches on the spatio! modeling and muppinff of poverty are required.
' However, the spatial dimension of poverty has not been given much at/en/ion in ma11y
poverty studies, especially in Ethiopia. In an attempt to underscore Its importance. this
study produced.poverty indices using Small Area Estimation approach and poverty map
usmg GIS for all woredas ill Amharo region. The Small Area Estimation of Poverty in
rural Amhara was prepared with an objeottve 10 provide a more di saggrcgated picture of
poverty in the region down tn Woreda level. based on derailed data from the 200·1!5
• household .mney with the 2007 population census. 111e11 ~ study explores the spatial
patterns and the possible underlying determinarus a.{fesfiiit{ po>'erly cGMH#Qu. in rural
. .
woredas of A:VRS. Agro-ciimtuic and physical condition such as elevation, slope, soil.
rainfall and a~cess co river. os well as access to road infrostructure and proximity to
major markets were all derived using (!JS analysts. Each of these variables was
correlated with poverty indices using btvariute correlation analysis. Finally ail of these
variables were combined using multivariate regression analyeis /0 investigate their
impact on poverty. Results of the study disclose that rile spatial patterns o( poverty in
terms of incidence exhibit spaualty heterogeneous characteristics. The spatial variation
in the incidence of poverty is mainly caused by ineqnalities on access lo road
irfrastructure. proximity to major markets and agro-climutic factors, paniculoriy.
rairfall, soil, and slope proved ta be significan: determinants to poverty in I he study area.
This suggests that geographically disadvantageous areas within the study area existed.
111us, geography. accessibility to road i'!]raslruelure. and markets ha.~ a strong impact on
the condition ofpoverty of people in the region. |
en_US |