his thesis attempt» 10 assess hou.i,:eliold 11•arer SUJ'1'1Y and consumption puuerns iti \\1e!kit1• t1n1·n.
Tlu: main objective o] the study is to assess the existing wascr ·'·u1.1ply problems and majorfactor»
1h11i ajf'ecr hous(:hol1/ ~Fwer consumption in th« 1ou'ri. To ustaint the abo•:e stated objective',
relevant data l+'t're c<N..l.!'f'l~r.( [rom. both. priu'l<,U): anti secondary sources. The: major 11rin'l.tlry
S(H4rc1~ 1~f tliua [or this s:u<iy \t.'t1x quesuonnaire survey. A sample o.fZOO lunt.teholds h'ere sel'1cft·d
bv usinx sinlfJ~ random st.unr!lir:g nu:•thoct [roni the f:.xisrjng "'"'<> Kf•heiPs and responses l?[ the
questionnaire .Hf_rvt,. }V(:1'"(~ entered in lo SP~'S version /2.0 software ,t(n· analysis.
17u~ mean dait; .. per capi!« o,,11arer consumption 11·t1s catcutoted at three levels, j(>r boust•holds 1\'ith
private meter comsccsion. households withaur pri:ase meter connection and [or the whole sample.
-.. Thus.; th« resnlts H·ere .f<11u1.1l 10 be 30~ 14, and 25 liters respectively. /)aily pet capit(i ~Faler
t.v.111su1nt11ioJ1. o,,f those hou.·u~h11!1} . .i; who do JlOt hove .their Oh;n privai« meter connection is I.:/. li</d ..
This is lower than rile amoum specified by Ministry of Wme.r Resources ( /996j which was 20
liters <if water per person per day and Iar lower 1iu111 ttte Wl!O standard ( 45 lkldj .
In order to assess jhe variations in. consumption, ten socio-economic variables were selected (.i~·
" independent variubles whereas niean nv.>11ihly househoid and rt:t'Cffl daily 111;r capita water
consumpiion ·,vu'>· taken as dependem f1rtf:'s. Fol' analysis simple. correlation. multipl« linear
regressions» t-tesr and /1- Test H'fre applied. The results snow ih1.ll nu·u11, monmt» water
consumption .,,,,as jound 11.1 ht.' s1a!i:•;tical{y sigu(.fic.tml 1.rvii/1. household size; educaiion level. incom«
house OH -norship status and access. and fltc•an. per capita water consumption H'a.~ jt)ft.uci to be
.sratisricaliy sig1i.~!i<'Otll with. household. si:«, education level, occvpation, iilt:o1ne and access a:r
95~;c .. cc1n.(i1/e11.ce level JVr the i v ·ho/(' .'iilfH{Jle.
In case of muuipl« lineur regression analysi« /u)li.\.t·holcl siic, in<::on1e and .•;ho1\'t>t, emerged as the
best JJrcYlic!ors in. n1.et;,11 1/a.il_v per capita \\'Clrer consumpt jo1i of· the houschoids ~1·'ifh pri , .. ate meter
connection , while [or those witlunu private meter rnnnectiott iticonre and house ov.:1;.e1 ship
e1ner1::~tl <ts bes: predicror«. Jn conclusion, 1!1e exi.\·tin,<: iva1er supJ.>ly sysrent <?J.~V1dkir,:· lo1,vn is ried
up i.-.•irh ,'ieriou.\ fJr1Jb/r:nsr in 1er1n.\' r~.f q!urJi;y ,~trd quantif)·. '/Ju: .... 1trse oj' 1/sc• e.xistin.~ )'.;'tt.'er .\1tf1µ(v
~;JS!e1n. is 11al "' lhe rt:qult·ed. standtircL. Ft>r that reaso1s, lu>u.,·<~ho:tl atui ~>er CO/>itft , .. ·t1f,{r
cor.sun!ptfcnr in the !Ot'l-'U i.'> r11uch lol·.,·er rln:ui rlu: corre~pOl'<fin;.: figures .f(1r nulriy io1v11s. 'Jhu.s,
po/re): onfl piannitl.~lf t:ur th.c- dt!\!£•[<1.r>ni~:·nf. of adequaie, rcl'.iobl{~ an1l su.,·iai11ablc.• .._,, .. ater S~<J'(Jly
.systc•nr u<~e1/ to hL' e-.,.J,lbl ;shed .