A research conducted by the year 2009 reported for tile existence qf high pollutant luatlinJ~-"
on tlu: urban ru1u:~lf (fron. Bahir Dar town) jl)ini'lg to the nearby waler systems. In order to
avoid the negative effects of these pollutant loadings, however. there are (J number of
treatment options, among. whid: bioretention system U one fulling under Best A.fanaKement
l'ractices. Potentially suitable site selection for the estabhshmen: of bioretention ·~l'·'wms
being the main ohjecfive. data 011 nine major fnctor considerations "ere collected using GPS
a1UI .derived/rom secondary data including Topographic Map. Landsat ETM+ and SRTM
imageries. 1'Jre 'f;l(:lors included distance frotn developed are.as and churchc» er· mosques,
distance from major streams aru! roods. distance frmn wetlands and Tana Lakeshore. slope.
elevation and Ian(! us.e types ... 411 the far.tor considerations were analyzed for their area
categorization under the three suitability classes, for u.•hich h1glt sunability class ti~a.\'
represented with three, medium suitobilit» with two and least suitability with une. Co/1Jr
cutegorization. by which Red represeming least suitability, Green representing medium
suitability and }~e!lvt~ representing higl~ .suitalii/i11·, 1vas used in order to show :lie clear rut
boundary between each suituhff;~.,. cluss 011 the maps. Art;,(;),<; 9.3 played crucial role· in the
11t•lt11/;? \'Ut!nl>i.lil>' anulvsi» of the factor considerations. /Je.for<f the final suuabtlitv mode!
duvelopment, however, 1t:r.1,v,h1 u·a\' com:>ule1J for each factor using pnirwise rnmparison.
lhese computed h'{!l>{h!s l~·crc· ruult1j1/•et! u·1tl: lite 1~1.;u;J' rett values 1~{ each .. fi1ctarJ in the
raster calculator It> Ki~·,~ the .Ju1.r! suitahilil)• model. Ajler the .fintt! n10,n prt!fJc:r1111011 aiyoru
t .rs 17 ht1 was found suitable for 1J:t .. mtended purpose. Sui!able areas located . .ft.,.'!f'J1'..'inJ~ .'1 bav
route tt'f~,..e ranked as hi,~hly . ..;1:i1dh!e lo treat the nrban r..111oj·j frn'ln Bahir Dar !tJH'U. Finally,
it 1i·as cone iuded that there iJ l;igli pott,liiinl to 11?ar.axe the existing nrbun runoffpoltution
along -.\·iti: rvcononendarions fr» the concerned bodies fu start acting ond uxc the! available
potential Ji"J hrfn,!! the existing urban r14r.off·t\·(llf:T polfu!iOl'f in to control. Further, if IV(l.'i also
recommended fur ground 't1'G/c.•1 assessment to ffl· undertaken so tha: the' ejlicic~tU.)' oJ' the
system can be ensured.