dc.description.abstract |
The i;J!imate purpose of thts research wm to evaluate e_d11l·miun and training immediate
-outcomes of the TVET program in Bahir Dar Polytechnic Cotlege. Hence, in order to achieve
• this J)Ul])(W! four basic research questions were formulated to address th« rate of self
employment. e11lpio)'ability (waf!.e entploymem rate) of the graduates of the college. access and
" participation /rate of enrollment, and quality and relevance. of the trainings delivered in the
, • college for the las: jive years taking 2008109 as a baseline year. Evaluative research design was
1 employed in the study involving a tutu/ of lfs9 respondents. Sample paruciparus '>en' selectea
from l/lrg111 population usinf!. probability (simple: ra11do111 sampling, u.<illf!. random number table)
• and non-probabilhy (purposive, comprehensive and convenient} sampli11g techniques. Open
ended q1tes4iumwirc. document onatysis and sent! structured interview were the data collection
instruments used 10 gal her the necessary il!fi)rmation from the participants and were developed
by the researcher. The validity of instruments was checked througl: triangulation method anti
Pilot tes: was conducted before the administration of the instruments. Hoth descriptive
(percentage and bar graph) stattstical analysis techniques were emplo.1·ed lo compute the data.
Of 89 questionnaires 8./ (94. 38%} ll'ere properly filled and used hr the analysis oj data.
Thematic cal) SIS Wal also employed for <emf Structured interview questions and open ended
questionnaire. Results from the questionnaire. document analysis, ondinterview data revealed
that the educattnn and training immediate u111<.<m1E' indicators ofsetf employment rate and wage
employability of the graduates, and relevance of the /mining delivered in the college are
relattvelyfound 10 become velJ' sa/i.Vi:1c11)1;11. However, most respontlems indicated that qualuy
of training delivery has been poorly irfluenced hy the nature of institutional assessment
practiced /11 the college unlike the finding» of documentary analysts Whereas, ~ig11ifiwn1
improvements wen• observed in the coltege in rate of self-emplovment and waf!.e employment
especially 111 the 2012113 graduates oj tbe cottege. Wi1Jr regard tu th« rare of enrollment, for
vocaitonal training>. though if sho ... ed a decline ralf? in number, ii •ms found cha/ the cnlle1:e
has been admitting up lo its expectation. Based on those findings of this study, ii is possible to
conclude 1Jr111 educntinn and traintng immediate outcomes of the colteg« In the last five year>
iras effective .. Finally, it is recommended that the quality of 1mining dellvery i11 the college
should be further studied . |
en_US |