Franchising is the most effective technique for product distribution and services delivery. Developing and
emerging countries have equipped their legalframework to benefit from this growinx business. Emerging
iniddleclass society, vivid development and high number of small and micro enterprises are ripe Ethiopia
for franchise. Transfer of knowhow and technology makes franchise an attractive business for
development. Less failure rate .. first day profit, brand loyal customers are benefits of franchise compared
to independent business.
Franchise is a legally regulated business. As such the proper legal and institutional infrastructure for its
regulation must develop side by side with it. To do so, the nature, theories. types and regulation of
franchise in other jurisdictions should he studied. Identifying existing franchise relevant laws that have
direct or incidental impactsfor franchise development is crucial. However, lack ofscholastic works in the
area caused confusion with respect 10 our attitude towards foreign franchisors. Despite immense
opportunity in terms of vast markets and the absence of market harriers, there are few franchise
businesses in Ethiopia .
African Development Bank recommended specific franchise law tu African countries. Studying the
practical enforcement of franchise relevant law is a necessary step to be carried out to decide whether
Ethiopia needs to havefranchise specific law or not. This study ascertained that there are scattered rules
here and there in Ethiopian laws that are andfranchise friendly. However, weak and fragile enforcement
of relevant laws through different regulatory agencies made implementation unpredictable. Franchise is
at its saturation in Europe and America market. Nm11 the focus is on emerging countries and developing
countries markets. In Ethiopia. international hotel brands are engaged in the hospitality market they
considered as franchised outlets hut use management contract arrangements. Their role in contribution
of knowhow and management skill is negligible.
Ethiopia has organic agricultural products hif,;hly demanded by foreign markets. Domestic potential
franchisors are receiving many franchise offers from foreign investors. Unfortunately, because of lack of
awareness they rejected the opportunities. Legal preparation is one of essential steps for the development
offranchise in one country. The Ministry of Trade's attempts to regulate franchise business through
specific law is appreciated. Be that as it may, there is no comprehensive work done to make sure
proposed law is achieving its goals. Moreover, the draft law misses the core point of franchise regulation,
protection 1f franchisee and the mechanism of pre-contractual disclosure. This study is thus a modest
attemp! al identifying the problem along these lines andforwarding possible points of recommendation