This study was aimed to assess the women household land right and its effect on food security, and the main constraints the women made not benefited from the land. The study was carried out in 12 Kebeles of Hawzen Wereda, of Tigray region and mainly employed household interviews, key informant interview, focus group discussions, cases studies and notes. The study revealed that land rights have assured the women improved social, economic, empowerment and decision making power in the household and the society. The findings of the study on the surveyed households revealed that majority of female headed households earn inferior total annual income, more food insecure and less self- sufficient compared to male headed households. Because female headed households have limited access to control over productive assets, which diversify their income through engaging in various non-farm and off farm income generating ventures. The study also identified that lack of non land resources, such as labor, oxen, other resources (such as credit and inputs), small size and poor quality of land and environmental effects like drought, short rainy season and lack of proper documentation on land title as main constraints. Female headed households lack control over the produce of land; the constraints as mentioned have forced many to sharecrop-out their land, because of that they lose more than half of the harvest. Compared with male headed households, female headed households are trapped by the lack of resources and control over products. The research also found out that because not being able to benefit the full products of the land forces women to break cultural taboos, which women are not allowed to plough. But this in fact, physical inability to plow is the main problem because plowing by itself is a burden adding to the many tasks women are already carrying out. Lack of independent certificate is identified as the reasons putting women in male headed household in a disfavorable position when situations such divorce occur and affect the productivity, because the certificate is given to the named head of household, which is the husband. Thus, women preferred to have individual certificates, or wished that their names should appear on the certificate. Secured land rights strengthen claim over land and improve livelihood status and food security of women. However, this is being challenged by the fact that the households, particularly female headed households, are in shortage of resources such as non-land resources as mentioned before. Thus all lack of resources and legal issues makes majority female headed households are food insufficient and food insecure.