Net radiation plays an essential role in determining the thermal conditions of the Earth’s surface
and is an important parameter for the study of land-surface processes and global climate change.
The estimated monthly net outgoing radiation values were validated against ground data for 12
months from (1997-2016) period of observation at eight stations with different underlying surface
types. The long-wave radiation to space decreases with increasing cloud cover and cloud height
because cloud temperatures are considerably lower than the earth’s surface and they decrease
with cloud elevation. Moreover, clouds are good reflectors of solar radiation and consequently
the global albedo increases and the absorbed solar energy decreases with increasing cloud cover.
Gases absorb certain wavelengths of outgoing long wave radiation (OLR) which contributes by
adding heat to the atmosphere. An increase in the concentration of a greenhouse gas would
contribute to global warming by increasing the amount of radiation that is absorbed and emitted
by these atmospheric constituents. The OLR is dependent on the temperature of the radiating body.
It is affected by the Earth's skin temperature, skin surface emissivity, atmospheric temperature,
water vapor profile, and cloud cover. In this study we assessed the characteristics of OLR over
selected cities of Amhara region, Ethiopia, which helps to understand the existing relationship
among different variables of climate. The result shows, the outgoing long wave radiation is
maximum in winter than summer in all candidate cities due to clouds forcing effect. In addition
the annual outgoing longwave radiation of the study area is estimated using simple models, for
Bahir dar, Motta, Debre markos, Gondar, Metemma, Dangila, Nefas mewcha and Debre tabor is
(7.076, 8.213, 7.1960, 7.05995, 6.628, 6.360, 6.234, 6.7450) MJ 𝑚
Key Words: Outgoing longwave radiation, evapotranspiration, clearness index, Shortwave
radiation, net short wave radiation, albedo, actual vapor pressure, relative humidity, Cloud cover ,
sunshine hour duration , energy balance and greenhouse effect.