dc.description.abstract |
it is observed thot .fi-agmentwion of land huhling farms is a major structural problem for
agricultural production growth in f;tJ1iopit1. This study was carried out in Sayint district ofthe
Amhara region with the main objective of investigating. the level of farm land holding
fragmentation and its implication on land consolidation and agricultnrul producttvity ming Gl.'\
techniques .. [armers and governmental agent 's perception. To address the stated objectives both
primary and secondary data \"ere collected from ambaferit kebele adntinistration and d[fjerenl
governmental organization offices. One activity that could improve food security is land
consolidation. In Ethiopia the central govamment allows land consolidation on voli.ntarily
bases. huw1M1r, no! yet land consoltdation has practiced. To address the slated objectives
primary data wa.~ coltectedfiomfield surveys using questionnaire and Using (jJS techniques 10
collect coordinate data on farm plot owned by households to map farm land fragmenmtton.
Secondary data wc1.~ co/leered from dtfferem sources including governmentot lnsttnuions,
journals. etc. The data was used •o r1s.rnss perception of hn11schold~ and govermnenml al~flnls,
what th~irji:eling is about tandfragmenunion and coesatldauor: 1:11e analysts s'1011·ed thatfarm
land .fi·agmcntation Is 11 problem In the .11111~11 Kcbele. !lccorrlin,g to 1!1e respondents: the root
cause of tandfragmentutlo» 1'.~ shortage offarm land. population growth. Inheritance, g!ft c111d
e.t111111siu11 of pre-urban i11 tfte stud)' area. Most ltousd1tfld i.e. 91)% of tile respondents perceived
that land consolidation may improve agricultural investment as well as productivity. This st11G{.v
[mding' indicates expansion o/ land fi'e1~menta1ion become c1~w·uvated day to duy. so the
responsible government officers such as Federa! Ministt)' of agrtculture, Amhura Regional
Jl11reo11 <if Envlroumental Protection and l.and Administration and Wereda Enviromnental
Protection and land Adnunistratiou r~/ji('C'.S should initiate t111d support [urthcr research and
development activities.
Key words: landfragmenlc1tion. land consolidation, G!S. |
en_US |