The New York Convention on the Recognition and enforcement ojjhreign arbitral awards done at New
York, JO June 195N, is the most successful convention in international commercial arbitration. /1 is
currently ratified by around 158 states all over the world without any difference in the level of
development or political or social realities of states. The Convention gives a visa for arbitral awards
made in a Convention state and guarantees enforcement elsewhere of the award except on few exhaustive
grounds. It imposes obligations on slates and their courts to recognize and enforce foreign arbitral
awards and arbitration agreement.<>. lt also imposes on courts the obligation to stay proceeding with a
matter subject to arbitration agreement. Despite its interest to increase FD/ inflow and trade and the
academia 's and business communities' curiosity for ratification, Ethiopia has not yet ratified the NYC.
This paper aims at demonvtruting the challenges and prospects of ratification of the Convention by
Ethiopia. Afier analyzing empirical and doctrinal evidences it. therefore, argues that by ratifying the
Convention Ethiopia would be able to increase trade and investment, get access to lower interest rares
and rates of return, improve its international image, improve on competition for trade and investment.
improve its arbitration system, decrease it's courts
case loads and help its move towards the accession 10
WTO. The thesis has four chapters um/ a section; chapter one deals with the introduction and the
research process. Chapter two contains three broad sections: on nature, advantages and disadvantages
international commercial arbitration with in the first section; genesis, nature, purpose. advantages and
disadvantages of the New York Convention in the second section and; the l]l\'C!TRA L Model Law in the
third section. Chapter three, deals with the Ethiopian rules on arbitration by mainly consulting the Civil
Cude and Civil Procedure Code of the country. Chapter four, the main part, demonstrates the Challenges
and prospects of Ethiopian rutiflcution of the New York Convention and its future going forward. This is
followed by a section on the conclusion of the study.
Key words: commercial arbitration, New York Convention, Ethiopia, Ethiopian laws. Advantages,
Disadvantages, UNCITRAL