This study is under taken to produce prototype of producing a baby carrying bag that is adjustable with the baby‘s body size with a view of improving the comfort ability, availability, durability, flexibility and affordable price of baby carrying bags.
It is the duty of Apparel Experts/Apparel designers to come out with new ideas, thus being creative in order to solve problem facing on baby carrier in general. It is therefore important for the researcher to design and construct the prototype of Baby carrying bag. After the project is launched to the market and reached to the customer, it creates job opportunity for those MSEs, Individuals trained in TVET institutions in the field of Apparel production and those who are willing to form partnership and cooperative society in the sector of Apparel production. In order to secure additional facts and in order to strengthen the study with updated information‘s the researcher is collected various relevant information from different books and Articles which are made in the past in line with baby carrier. The study was conducted in three parts. Part one involves literally materials collected from libraries, internet and any other sources .The second part consists of various stages in the designing and production. While the last part consist of the summary/conclusion/ with recommendations .This project is under taken to produce baby carrying bag with the view of improving problems. The improvement was assessed by conducting experiments in the laboratory. In the existing baby carrying bag there is a lot of short comings and disadvantages such as size, then these problem is improved by using size adjusting devices which is zippers to reduce and enlarge the size of baby carriers and added different features in the modified baby carrier.
Key words:-comfortability, flexibility, durability, availability, affordable price, apparel production and baby carriers.