dc.description.abstract |
Kidneys are among our most vital organs as they filter toxins and produce essential chemicals
in our bodies. Kidney stones are often very painful, and can keep happening in some people.
When the kidneys stop functioning properly our body becomes toxic and we cannot survive.
Chronic Kidney Disease is a dangerous medical condition characterized by a gradual loss of
kidney function over time, which if left untreated can then lead to Chronic Renal Failure
(CRF). Once you have reached end-stage chronic renal failure you have two options dialysis
for the rest of your life, or a kidney transplant.The objective of this study is to investigate a
competing risk model of recurrence time for kidney stone disease after surgery with the
consideration of various factors.The study analyzed a competing risk model for recurrence of
kidney stone disease after surgery competed by death. A total of 193 patients were taken for
this study, which had removal of the disease by surgical. Sub hazard plots of the events and
competing risk models of each event separately used to explore the major risk factors and
covariates for the recurrence and death rates of a patient in Bahir Dar FelegeHiwotsurgical
ward.Based on median time of each even type,the median death time was 6days, the median
recurrence and median censor time was 6days. According to sub hazardratiosfor recurrence
event hazard the hazard for urban residentswas about 72% higher than rural residents with
95% confidence interval (1.640, 3.058), the hazard of recurrence for out of office workers was
around two times than the hazard of unemployed patients with 95% confidence interval
(1.960, 4.258) and also the hazard of recurrence for in office (civil servants) was around 63%
less than the hazard of unemployed patientswith confidence interval (.117, .441), the hazard of
recurrence for patients who smoked cigarette was about 6.7% higher than nonsmokers with
confidence interval (1.032, 3.563).According to our findings, place of residence had been
found a significant effect on the recurrence of kidney stone disease after it removed by surgery
on kidney stone patients. Our finding shown that the urban residents had higher hazard of
recurrence the disease compared with rural resident patients.According to patient’s history of
diabetes, diabetic patients had higher hazard of recurrence than non-diabetic patients |
en_US |