The aim of this study was to evaluate the calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum concentration of different cultivars of chickpea seeds and soil samples in Ziggem Woreda using a laboratory analysis to establish whether the roles and effects of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum in crop productivity and quality in the area could be significant due to plant factors (e.g. cultivar) or changes in soil nutrient concentration or both. Fifteen representative soil and fifteen chickpea samples from five Kebeles of Ziggem district were collected and analyzed in the laboratory. Calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum levels were determined by ICP-OES using wet digestion methods. The means and ranges of concentrations of total calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum of soil using strong acids wet digestion were Ca 238.6 mg /Kg (132±0.0445 to 390±0.0581 mg/kg), Mg 284.8 mg /Kg (207±0.0085 to 362±0.0092 mg/kg) Zn 57.02 mg/kg (23.05±0.0074 to 69.45±0.002 mg/kg), Cu 82.22 mg/kg (47.35±0.0024 to 115.35±0.0123 mg/kg), and B 0.65 mg/kg (0.27±0.0073 to 1.50±0.0049 mg/kg) respectively. The concentration of molybdenum in fifteen soil sample areas were not detected. The contents of the analyzed nutrients in chickpea ranged between 480±0.0009 and 2815±0.0221 mg/kg for Ca, 2060±0.0070 and 3105±0.0072 mg/kg for Mg, 58.9±0.0041 and 120±0.0060mg/Kg for Zn, 1.5±0.0007 and 13.5±0.0008 mg/Kg for Cu, 1.5±0.0004 and 4.5±0.0028 mg/Kg for B. Chemical analysis of composite soil samples indicated that inherent calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and boron level was on the borderline sufficiency to support good crop growth for now, however; the level of these nutrients among the different chickpea cultivars should be significant in limiting high and quality yield for consumption. Adequate calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and boron in soils and high calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and boron concentrations in seeds ensure agronomic and nutritional benefits resulting in high yield and nutritional quality crops.
Keywords: Chickpea, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Soil acidity and soil fertility