University graduates with mobility disabilities face challenges in employment. Data about university graduates with mobility disabilities, challenges and opportunities related to unemployment and coping strategies are inadequate; and awareness gap about disability is evident. This study aspired to explore challenges and opportunities for university graduates with mobility disability to get jobs in Bahir Dar City Administration. Case study was conducted on 7(Female 4; and male 3) university graduates with mobility disabilities. Snowball and purposive sampling techniques were employed to select participants. Data was analyzed thematically. Underestimating the capacities of persons with mobility disabilities, discrimination, lack of designated guideline for the recruitment and selection of university graduate persons with mobility disability and absence of proper implementation of the existing recruitment and selection guideline were revealed as challenges. Self convincing and accepting limitation, assertiveness, tolerance, report the case to concerned bodies, sharing ideas and concerns for people, prayer, as well as networking were utilized to deal with the challenges. Difficulty of getting job due to disability in mobility and adversities resulted from the challenges is evident; and is regarded as a double burden. Special consideration and guideline for the recruitment and selection of university graduate persons with mobility disability lacks attention. Findings insight the exploration disability types within the category of mobility disability so that the treatment among these people in employment may be based on their mobility disability type. It has also implication for social work education, practice and policy with regard to challenges in employment among university graduate persons with mobility disability.
Key words: challenge, opportunity, coping strategy, unemployment, university graduate, mobility disability, coping strategy.