The purpose of this study was to assess the teachers’ job satisfaction in general secondary schools of Assosa Zone. To accomplish this purpose, the study employed a concurrent mixed research design. The study was carried out multistage sampling technique to select the sample werodas and stratified random sampling techniques to select seven general secondary schools in Assosa Zone. A total of 122 individuals were participated in the study. Among them, 109 teachers were included as a sample through comprehensive sampling technique, 7general secondary school principals, 3 cluster supervisors and 3 Woreda education office coordinators were included through purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire and interview were need as instruments of data collection. The analysis of the quantitative data was carried out by using frequency, percent, mean, one sample t-test, correlation, and multiple regressions. The result of one sample t-test revealed that the school practices on the independent variables that influence teachers’ job satisfaction were insufficient as most of the practices on independent variables scored below the expected mean score of the study. As a result teachers are not encouraged to disseminate their knowledge to students through effective teaching-learning method, to achieve schools objective as well as to stay in the profession. Due to this teachers are not successful to improve the students’ academic achievement as well as the achievement of schools goal. Pearson’s correlation coefficient between motivation factors and job satisfaction showed that significant positive correlation and the correlation cofficent were between 0.119-0.540.This implies their were direct relationship between the motivation factors and teachers job satisfaction in the study area. Furthermore, the results of multiple regression analysis shown that, 51.3% of teachers’ job satisfaction, depend on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that intrinsic and extrinsic factors were more important in satisfying general secondary school teachers of Assosa zone. In general the findings supposed to conclude, general secondary schools in Assosa Zone had not work effectively on improving the satisfaction level of teachers, and thus teachers need to leave the profession. Based on the findings, it is recommended that general secondary schools, Woreda education office and zone education offices need to give necessary incentives and benefit for teachers through building house in rural areas by mobilizing the community, giving place to build home in urban areas, develop clear policies and practices, offer chances to participate in decision making, delegating responsibility, designing clear and fair promotion policy. Assigning competent and enthusiastic supervisors, healthy interpersonal relations, supply adequate resources and furnishing the working conditions with refreshment facilities.