the purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of instructional supervision
in general secondary schools of Samara-Logia City administration. To conduct the study, mixed
method research design was employed and comprehensive sampling and simple random
sampling techniques were employed to select the sample teachers, vice-principals, principals,
cluster supervisors and education office head. To this end, 71 teachers, 3 vice-principals, 3
principals, 3 cluster supervisors and 1 education office head totally 81 respondents were
included in this study. Questionnaire was distributed t0 71 sampled teachers. At the sometime an
interview was conducted to triangulate the quantitative data. As a result, 3 vice-principals, 3
principals, 3 cluster supervisors and 1 education office head were interviewed. Quantitative data
collected through questionnaire was analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean difference
and standard deviation; and the homogeneity of the response was checked from SPSS v.20
software by using one sample t-test. The data gathered through interview was discussed in line
with questionnaire. Consequently, the main findings come out from this study were: The
supervisors were failed in providing assistances for teachers to improve teaching and learning.
The supervisors’ support for teachers in conducting action researches was lacked. The
supervisors were failed to develop teachers’ positive attitudes towards instructional supervision
practices. The supervisors were insufficient in linking the schools with various cooperate
organizations, community groups and stakeholders; and the major challenges that face the
supervisors in instructional supervision practices were several: They were resource inadequacy;
supervisors were insufficient in engaging the teachers in educational development strategies; the
supervisors were incompetent in skills and they were deficiency in applying supervision
principles. Finally, to minimize and if possible to solve the problems, the following
recommendations were drawn; the instructional supervisors expected to be democratic and
kindness. The supervisors should initiate and support teachers to conduct action researches.
Supervisors ought to get training to improve their skills. Recruitment of supervisors should be
based purely on academic qualification and experience. The supervisors’ ought to extra
endeavor in linking the schools with various co-operate organizations, parents, community and
other stakeholders. The City administration education office and the Regional education office
have to provide adequate budget, facilities, equipments and human resources for the schools
towards attain its goals and objectives.
Key Words: Supervision, Instructional Supervision, Supervisor, Challenges and General secondary school