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The purpose of this study was to assess the status of CPD implementation and its challenges in Samara Logia secondary preparatory schools. The study approaches descriptive survey design to achieve the intended objectives and to answer the basic research questions. The survey study consists of three secondary and preparatory schools, involving 6 school leaders (principals and vice principals), 95 teachers and 4 CPD facilitators of education office experts were the respondents. These respondents were selected using comprehensive, simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques respectively. Data collected instruments like questionnaire; semi-structured interview and document analysis were used to collect the appropriate data. Quantitative data analysis approach was used to analyze close-ended questionnaires.Where as,qualitative data analysis approach was used to analyze the open-ended questionnaires, interviews and document analysis.The data were analyzed through one sample t-test, mean and standard deviation. The finding of the study indicated thatteachers practice in organizing portfolio, participating in peer coaching, mentoring other teachers, identifying and implementing school priority problems, and develop professional knowledge and skill in Samara-Logia secondary and preparatory schools was found to be low. The study concluded that teachers’ commitment and interest to implement continuous professional development was found to be poor because of lack of support from principals and woreda education officials, lack of budget and absence of ownership of CPD in the schools. The study recommended that, the concerned bodies starting from Ministry of Education to school level should give due attention for the implementation of CPD program through giving certain training and allocating enough budget to run the program effectively. In addition to this,school principals and teachers also should give time and priority for the planning and implementing of the CPD program to bring quality of education and to improve students’ academic progress.
The education and training policy of Ethiopia contended that, education is one of the major forces that promote economic, social and political advancement in the society. It plays a pivotal role that creates important conditions for development process through producing knowledgeable and skilled human power and it helps to promote changes in technological advancement (MOE, 1994).
In line with the goals of creating trained and skilled manpower at all levels who will be driving forces in the promotion of democracy and economic development in the country ( MOE, 2005, p.5), the education sector development programs have focused on the expansion of the system, increased access for marginalized children and girls, and reduction of attrition. In addition to this, the ministry of education has given priority for continuous professional development (CPD) that makes teachers more active and creates great values for national development.
Continuous professional development is the development of teachers in their professional competencies and anything that makes a better teacher (Glatthorn, 1995). Glatthorn further asserted that, teachers’ continuous professional development is the professional growth in which they achieves through experiences and examining their teaching approach systematically. Ganser, (2000) on the other hand contended that, continuous professional development could gain through attending different workshops related to their profession, formal courses, online learning, job swaps, internship, keeping reflective learning journals and reading different books and publications. According to this, Barrow, et al., 2006 argued that, continuous professional development could promote active learning methods; problem solving and student centered teaching methods.
The common definition of continuous professional development is the systematic maintenance, improvement and broading of knowledge, understanding and skills and the development of the personal qualities necessarily to undertake teachers’ duties throughout their working life (Starkey et al., 2009). From this definition, we can understand that |
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