dc.description.abstract |
The objective of the study was to examine the current practice of classroom interactions in
secondary school mathematics classes. This study was significant because its findings and
conclusions may stimulate teachers to improve their teaching behaviors in order to maximize
student learning. To assess the objective, two governmental secondary schools were selected in
convenient way in West Gojam Administrative Zone, Ethiopia. The sources of information were
200 grade ten and grade nine students and six mathematics teachers. Students were selected
using simple random sampling method and their teachers were selected using purposeful method.
The necessary data was collected from participating students and teachers through
questionnaires, classroom observations and interview. The research methodology used in this
study was mixed method approach. The collected data was analyzed using both qualitative and
quantitative approaches. The result of the study showed that the current students' classroom
interactions in the selected government secondary schools were found to be limited. Both
teachers and students did not consider classroom interaction as a day today activity in the
teaching learning process of mathematics. Most teachers did not give opportunities for their
students to engage in to interactive approaches. Interaction in mathematics classes was affected
by teachers' teaching methodologies, students' attitudes, quit short lesson-time, large class size
and wide syllabus. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended that awareness should be
created to mathematics teachers about the importance of classroom interactions for development
of students' conceptual learning. |
en_US |