Critical questions in educational psychology research to be addressed
in this paper concern the relationships among students' self-esteem,
motivation, family environment and academic achievement in
Awramba and non-Awramba students. Are there any significant
relationships among students' self-esteem, motivation, family
environment and students' achievement? Do students' self-esteem,
motivation, and family environment affecting students' achievement?
Which variable(s) has (have) strong contribution(s) in predicting
student's academic achievement? Is there any difference between
groups of students with in self-esteem, motivation, family environment
and students' achievement? Various studies have attempted to answer
this question by examining the causal relations between academic
self-esteem and academic achievement, family environment and
academic achievement as well as academic motivation and academic
achievement. For this reason, this paper aims to elucidate further the
relationships among self-esteem, motivation family environment and
academic achievement by proposing a longitudinal design by which
self-esteem, family environment and motivation are measured from a
multidimetisional perspective. Data were collected from the sample for
this research consisted of 100 students from Awramba Junior
secondary school. The participants were selected using simple random
technique. Data were collected using questionnaire and document. The
questionnaire was employed to measure student's self-esteem,
motivation and family environment in education. And document was
used to measure student's academic achievement . The reliability of
the instrument was determined using the Cronbach Alpha. The
reliability was found to beabove 0. 76. A few changes were made to
various items in the instrument in order to increase its reliability. The
collected data were analyzed by using Pearson product correlation
coefficient, independent sample t-test,means,and standard deviations.
Besides that, inferential statistical methods such as the Pearson-r
technique were also used to determine the relationship between the
factors analyzed. Research results show that all the variables treated
in the study were positively and significantly related with each other
(at re = 0.05, dF= 99). In case of magnitude of the highest correlation
was found between academic achievement and motivation and the
next correlation was found between motivation and self-esteem. But
all predictor variables (students' Self-esteem, motivation, and family
environment) have been found to have positive and significant
relationship, with academic achievement. It was found that students'
Self-esteem, motivation, and family environment have correlated
0.662, 0. 733 and 0.671 with academic achievement, respectively. At
the same time there are no group differences on the three variables
measuredsbu the instrument .