dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this study wps to assess the current practices and challenges of instructional
supervision in Enebsie Sar Midir Woreda primary schools. The study was focused on the
practices of supervision in staff, curriculum and instructional development. Furthermore, the
role of supervisors in helping teachers to plan, present, evaluate their lesson as well as
classroom management and also challenges those hampered the effective implementation of
instructional supervision; that are, problems of views, supervisors competency, shortage of
resources and communication problems between supervisors and supervisees were basically
treated in this study. A descriptive survey design of research methodology was employed because
of its importance to see the actual facts and practices in the existing situation without over
exaggeration or simplification and to forward possible suggestions. Regarding sampling, there
were 68 primary schools grouped in 21 cluster centers. From these cluster centers 12 cluster
centers were selected using simple random sampling technique. After selecting the cluster
centers, 17 primary schools were selected using multi-stage sampling technique. Having these
. schools 172 (49. 43%) teachers were selected out of 348 teachers 'using proportional stratified
sampling followed by systematic random sampling to select each teacher from the strata i.e.
schools were considered as a strata. This constitutes 81.52% of the respondents. Only 160
teacher respondents were used in the analysis, 12 teachers are rejected as they did not return
back and fill the questionnaire. On the other hand, 17 principals, 10 vice principals and 12
supervisors were selected using comprehensive sampling as they are highly responsible for
supervisory activities and their number was alsomanageable. 4 Woreda Education office experts
were also selected purposively for interview. The main instruments used to collect data were
questionnaire and semi structured interview. The questionnaire was made to be closed ended
followed by some open ended questions and designed as jive point Likert scaled type. The
reliability of the questionnaire was checked using Cronbach alpha method after pilot test was
conducted. The face and content validity of the tools were also checked by experienced teachers
in the study area. Frequency count and percentage were used for the analysis of general
characteristics of respondents. One sample I-test method of analysis was used to analyze the
data collected through questionnaire and also Yj~rration for interview items. The results of the
study revealed that the practice of supervision in the three domains and in helping teachers to
plan, present, evaluate their lesson and class room management was not as expected.
Moreover, the problems indicated as, view toward supervision and supervisors, supervisors
competency, availability of resources, and communication problems between supervisors and
supervisees were high. Based on the results of the study, it seems possible to conclude that the
supervisory practices in the selected primary schools were not at the expected level. To this end,
the following possible recommendations are forwarded. The practical performances of
supervisors should be seen from the root whether they are able to do their task as expected or
not, competency level of supervisor should be tested through standardized measurement and
capacity building strategies should be designed to train and develop the supervisory knowledge,
as supervision is a collaborative task the involvement of teachers, principals and supervisors
should be improved, the research activities should have given attention to be conducted by all
school personnel, training should be given by any able person, trust among staffs should be
developed and also, the support system to school supervisors from higher officials should be
strengthened. Moreover, sufficient budget should be allocated. |
en_US |